"This Isn't Going To Work!"

Start from the beginning

“But I am his best, best friend, okay Lance?” he said, trying his best to stare down the man. Lance sighed and swiped his hand down his face in resignation. “Sure, Gwaine, whatever you want, okay?”


Leon was pacing outside Arthur’s room when the man in question swung open the door. He startled, eyes wide and heart racing at getting discovered. But Arthur only beckoned him inside. “Come in Sir Leon. I can’t concentrate with you walking up a storm outside my chambers.”

“Sire,” he said, politely. Arthur walked to his desk, and picked up his quill, scribbling away on the parchment. Leon shifted on his feet, unsure of how to proceed with the conversation when Arthur spoke up once again. “Sir Leon, is there something you wish to tell me?”

Arthur’s look was sharp and heavy, and Leon could feel his stomach recoiling with nerves. Even if he had known Arthur since he was a child, this was still his King. Arthur must’ve seen the hesitation on his face because his features softened a fraction as he said, “You have nothing to fear from me, Leon. Have we not grown as friends?”

“Of course, sire-” he started, but Arthur shot him a look which had him backtracking his words. “Arthur,” he corrected himself. Arthur’s lips twitched into a small smile as he waved his hand, asking Leon to continue. He took a breath and prayed Arthur was in a good mood. And that Merlin was around to calm him down if things went south.

“I was wondering, Arthur, if there is someone in your heart.”

Arthur froze in his stance, eyes as wide as saucers. And then he proceeded to promptly choke on his spit, turning a deep shade of red. Leon scrambled over to him and thumped his back. Once he had calmed down, he looked Leon in the eye and said, “Someone in my heart?”

“Ye-yes, Arthur. Like someone, you might fancy. Or love,” Leon stuttered as he rambled on, “And if there is, I was wondering if you’ve made a move yet. You should know that whoever you love, you have my support. And the support of the knights, of course. We respect you, and we only want for your happiness.”

Arthur stood up, not taking his eyes off from Leon’s. They looked wary now, like a cat. “Why don’t you speak outright, Leon? Come to the point.”

Leon steadied himself. This was it. No point beating around the bush. “Do you love Merlin?”

“Merlin?!” Arthur gaped, quickly turning red again. “What gave you that idea? I know to some people he might be considered handsome, with his doe-like eyes, and pink, plush lips which stretch into a sunny smile, and-”

“So that’s a yes, then?” Leon cut off his mortifying stammering. Arthur’s mouth parted and closed like a fish for a few moments before he closed his features off and glared at him. “If that will be all, Sir Leon? I have work to get back to.”

Leon gave a muted sigh. “Sire,” he said, and turned around to hide the growing smirk. So Arthur was confirmed, even if it was grudgingly and not said outright. He hoped Lancelot was faring better.


“They are deeply, obliviously, stupidly, in love with each other,” Lancelot declared that evening as he downed an entire tankard in one go. Leon raised his own glass to that. That much was plain to see.

Merthur One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now