🔪Chapter: 7🔪

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to give you a ride home? It's extremely cold out. You look like you're getting sick. Maybe I can pick you up a hot chocolate?" Hoseok offers as kindly as he can.

"I don't think I should..." she shakes her head.

"I understand," Hoseok nods, "I don't want to leave you here, though. You're going to get sick."

"You're right," she nods, "I'll come."

"Alright. Do you want a hot chocolate? There's a nice cafe by here," Hoseok gets into his car. The girl gets into the back.

"You have a nice car," she looks around.

"This is my old car. I use it for hunting. It's an old family tradition. I don't do it much anymore. I have a nicer car at home," Hoseok warmly smiles.

"Is that why there's blood?" she furrows her brows.

"Deer blood. I have a head in the back. One I hunted recently. That's for if you need any sort of evidence. You can tell it's homemade," Hoseok nods. He's not lying about that. He made it as a cover up.

"Woah, it's antlers are so large," she giggles.

"Yeah, he was a big buck," Hoseok nods with a smile. He pulls up to the cafe, parking outside.

"Hot chocolate!" she giggles.

"Let's go get that hot chocolate," Hoseok gets out, taking her into the cafe. She giggles and looks around the entire time. They go back to his car when she has her hot chocolate and Hoseok has his coffee.

"Would I be able to use your phone to call my mom?" the girls speaks up. Hoseok pats around himself, looking around.

"Shit, I didn't bring my phone. Is it okay if we go back to one of my houses near here? You can use that one," Hoseok offers. He actually has his phone in his back pocket. He's lucky he didn't pull it out at all.

"That's okay. What's your name Mr nice man?" she laughs.

"Hyukjae," Hoseok lies.

"I like that name," she smiles, sipping her hot chocolate. Hoseok fakes a smile, driving towards the house he took Yoongi to before. It's pretty silent from then on. She occasionally giggles and looks around outside.

"We're here. Let's go give your mom a call," Hoseok gets out of the car.

"Yes!" she hops out, going towards the house.

"How old are you?" Hoseok asks, pulling out the keys to this house.

"I'm 16. Dad gets mad because I don't act like it. He says I'll end up getting mindlessly used as some sex slave because I'm so childish," she rolls her eyes.

"So you have your whole life ahead of you, huh?" Hoseok unlocks the door.

"Yep! I want to be a nurse to help people out," she smiles widely.

"Good career choice. You gotta be extra smart, though. I wouldn't be able to do it," Hoseok chuckles.

"I already have colleges asking for me! They want me in their medical schools and such. I'm so excited," she jumps up and down. Poor kid. Not that Hoseok even cares.

"That's nice. Any siblings?" Hoseok warmly smiles.

"I have two sisters that are younger than me. They're identical twins and fight all the time," she rolls her eyes.

"Right. Well, here's my house phone for you to call your mom," Hoseok hands the phone for her. He stands there, allowing her to use it. He takes picking up his cellphone, playing around on it until she hands him the home phone again.

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