"And you, and you."

"What brings you here, sir?"

"Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was One Broomstick," he laughed and tilted his drink over almost spilling it on Bella as she flinched in her seat.

"Listen, dear, in the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party. For the select student or two. Can I count on you being there?"

I gave him a smile and scrunched up my nose, "Of course, sir. I would love to."

"You as well, Mister Zabini."

Blaise looked up from his drink and shook his head until I glared daggers at him, "I'd be delighted, sir."

"Excellent. Look for my owl..." he nodded and then turned to Draco and Bella, "Good to see you, Malfoy, and student girl I've never met."

"Oh, this is my cousin sir, Annabella Duval."

"Ahh, well then you'd be welcome to my dinner as well. Lovely, to meet you."

I turned to Bella who scowled and begun to shake her head until I kicked her shin under the table, "I would be honored, sir."

"Splendid, splendid indeed." He spoke as he walked away and towards other students. I turned back to my drink and scoffed dropping my fake smile.

"Hey Scarlett, how come your boyfriend didn't get an invite?"

I rolled my eyes and kept quiet, ignoring her. I took a sip of my drink before I noticed Bella staring at someone. I followed her eye line and saw Katie Bell, who held a brown package in front of her, the same package I gave to Bella to give to Draco.

I got up and pulled Bella out of her seat towards the back of the pub, "You chose Katie Bell? That is so wrong on so many levels."

"You told me to pick a small kid!"

"Katie Bell is a Gryffindor, in our year! She's small for her age! Oh, Bella what have you done?" I turned to see that Katie and her friend were now leaving.

"What have I done? You told me to trail a small kid and let Draco do his job!"

I held a finger up to Bella, shutting her up, "You better pray that this works." I growled before returning to the boys, "We need to go."

I dropped a few Galleons on the table before pushing Bella out the door followed by a very confused Draco and Blaise.

We walked a good distance behind her and somehow the trio.

I scanned past them and focused on the girl in the red jacket. She was fidgeting with the package as her friend spoke to her.

I picked up the pace walking past the trio and walking into Katie Bell.

"Watch where you're going?" I bent down to pick up the package and tried to walk away with it but she stopped me by grabbing my arm, "Let go, you half-blood."

"Give me back my package."

"This is mine." I turned to leave but she only stopped before me holding out her hand.

I growled and gave up letting her deal with it herself, "Fine, take it. Don't say I didn't warn you."

She took the package and I grabbed Bella by the shoulder pushing her as far away as I could possibly get us, Draco and Blaise still following quiet and confused

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She took the package and I grabbed Bella by the shoulder pushing her as far away as I could possibly get us, Draco and Blaise still following quiet and confused.

Once we were out of sight, I relaxed until an ear-splitting scream was heard. I knew who it was but pulled us further into the castle. We made it to the common rooms only for Snape to have called for my assistance on something.

I met up with him in his office and followed him as he hastily walked through the corridors, before making a turn into a room, meeting McGonagall and the trio.

"Oh, Professor Snape, Miss Grindelwald, thank you for coming."

The trio looked at me confused as I walked behind Snape who in turn lifted the necklace with his wand.

"What do you think?" McGonagall asked, worried almost.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive." I didn't need to look at the necklace because I was the one who made the purchase but I pretended to examine it nonetheless.

"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the quidditch pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

McGonagall nodded agreeing while Snape gave me a quick glance, "Yes... she was cursed."

"It was Malfoy."

I stood tenser but with anger as I began to walk towards him only to be held back by Snape.

"That is a very serious accusation, Mister Potter."

Snape turned around holding me behind him, "Indeed. Your evidence?"

"I just know."

"You just... know."

"Draco didn't do it!" I pushed against Snape who held me firm as I yelled at Harry.

"Oh, so it was you then?"

"Harry, you better watch that mouth of yours. Professor McGonagall, Draco was with me, he never went to the bathrooms, let alone the female lavatories! You have to trust me, it wasn't Draco."

Harry shot me a look of confusion before I turned back to McGonagall.

"I understand, Miss Grindelwald. As for you three-" However, she was cut off by Snape.

"Once again, you astonish with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One."

They listened quietly as McGonagall stepped forward, "I suggest you all return to your dormitories. All of you."

She gave me a glance and I relaxed nodding to her and giving a quick nod to Snape.

I walked fast as I lead the trio out.

The second we left the classroom, they began questioning Harry about his sudden outburst.

"Harry, you can't just go making accusations."

"Mate, why'd you do that?"

"I just know, okay."

I came to a sudden stop and turned to Harry, "How many times do I have to tell you, Draco and I are not Death Eaters. I gave you proof that we aren't, besides, I wouldn't work for a monster like Riddle. Trust goes both ways. So get over yourself and stop assuming things."

I turned again and quickly made my way out of that corridor letting out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding.

She's A Fake ~ IV | d.m.Where stories live. Discover now