The Bet pt. 3

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*setting is S4E9: 52 pickup*

    Emily stood in the locker room of the Atlanta PD, undoing the cuff buttons of her button down shirt in order to take it off. She began undoing the buttons of her shirt when she heard a knock on a door. "Prentiss?" A low male voice asked. It was Hotch.

    Emily stopped unbuttoning her shirt and began taking out her earrings instead. "Come in!" She shouted back.

    Hotch walked in, his face stoic as usual. Little did Emily know that it was taking everything Hotch had not to take her right here in the locker room. Instead he had settled on not so subtly glancing down at her exposed cleavage. Emily knew what she was doing to Hotch, and she loved it. It was a game to her, but she secretly wished he would pin her against the wall, letting his hands roam her body. "Hey, I'll be ready to go in ten." She said putting in some dangly earrings.

    Hotch looked away from Emily's cleavage and looked into her dark eyes. For the sake of professionalism, he decided to keep his face at his usual stern expression. "You're ok with this right?" He asked.

Emily let out a chuckle, causing a small grin to appear on Hotch's tired face. Emily's smile was the most breathtaking thing he had ever seen. It lit up the room whenever she smiled. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Believe it or not, I've actually dated people worse than Viper." She winced.

"Wow." Hotch said raising his eyebrows. As he took in her words, he realized that Emily said "people" and not "men". This made him question their entire relationship. Although she had never explicitly told him her sexuality, he often wondered about it, not that he had a problem with it in the first place. But he couldn't help but feel jealous that other people had been with her besides him. Hotch couldn't fully understand for explain his jealousy; he just knew he felt it. "Just be careful."

"I will, don't worry. Morgan and Reid are close by."

    Hotch simply nodded before leaving at an unusually fast pace, puzzling the raven haired woman. Emily noticed that something was off in Hotch's demeanor. Although he was often very standoffish, he was an alpha male and always made eye contact with whomever he was talking to. Emily shook away her thoughts and focused on making herself both irresistible to Viper and Hotch.

Morgan, Reid, and Hotch we're going over the profile of the unsub one last time before Agent Todd came out in a short, low cut, red dress. She gave her colleagues a sly smile. Hotch noticed how Morgan looked agent Todd up and down, to which he rolled his eyes too. "Damn Todd! Looking good!" Morgan said with a smirk.

Todd rolled her eyes at him. "Keep it in your pants, Morgan." She said.

"Where's Emily? I thought she was with you?" Reid asked looking beyond agent Todd.

"She'll be out in a minute. She's just touching up her makeup. I'm going to go get a drink."

Todd left, leaving the boys to themselves. They talked amongst themselves briefly before Emily caught Hotch's eye. She was wearing a tight black dress with an a-line neck, revealing the slightest bit of cleavage as a tease. Her eye makeup was Smokey and her lips were painted a dark red. Her hair was curled and framed her face perfectly.

    Hotch's ogling didn't go unnoticed by Morgan. His friend leaned over into the older agent's ear. "You like what you see don't you?"  Morgan asked with a smirk.

    Hotch's expression immediately turned cold again. He simply judged his friend before turning his attention towards the two beautiful brunette women. "Are you two ready?" He asked looking back and forth between the two.

    "Yeah let's get this over with." Agent todd said in almost disgust. They both nodded before Hotch gave them the rundown of how they were to act and what to ask Viper. Hopefully things would go as planned.
    The mission went better than Emily and Caitlin had expected. They had both managed to get what they needed from Viper but without a name, it was difficult for them to positively ID the unsub. Hotch told everyone to get some sleep, seeing as that it was already past midnight.

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