Perfect Illusion

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    Emily awoke to the rustling of someone getting out of bed. She turned over and groggily watched as Aaron made his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. She let out a sigh as she herself got out of bed and quickly got dressed for work.

    The two BAU agents had been an a reasonably steady relationship for over four years and have lived together for two of those four. In the last year and a bit, Aaron had proposed, and she couldn't have been more ecstatic. At least until a few months after they got engaged.

    Aaron Hotchner was often known to have a cold and standoffish demeanor but not when he was with Emily and Jack. He was usually warm and kind, but something had changed in him. Being both a profiler and his significant other, this didn't go unnoticed by Emily. She noticed how he'd leave earlier for work and stay later at the office. And like most relationships, they weren't without problems, but Aaron's not so recent distance had internally frustrated Emily to the point where they hadn't spoken for four days a month ago.

But the two of them had kept up a façade for Jack; he was only six after all. The last thing he needed was more confusion, especially after Haley and Aaron divorced. Emily loved Jack with all her heart, and she couldn't risk another heart break, mainly Jack's.

Once she was done getting ready for work, she walked into Jack's room and gently knocked on the door before entering. She walked up to the sleeping boy and ruffled his hair, making him slowly stir awake. Jack rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gave Emily a tired, flat smile. "Hi, Emily." He said quietly.

Emily smiled down at him. "It's time to get ready for school, Jack. I'll make you some waffles." The brunette replied happily.

Jack immediately jumped out of bed. Emily chuckled to herself before closing his door. She made her way to the kitchen and popped some Eggo waffles into the toaster. She began gathering everything else together for Jack when she saw Aaron come out of their room in somewhat of a hurry. Emily gazed down at her watch. 7:31. They technically didn't have to be at the office until 9:30 today. She furrowed her brows, stopping Aaron in a kitchen as he went to grab his coffee. "Hey, where are you going so early? It's only 7:32." Emily asked concerned and suspicious.

"I have a meeting with Strauss at 8:00." Aaron said gently grabbing Emily's arm.

"Ok." The raven haired woman replied, hiding her sadness. "When will you be home tonight?"

Aaron let a somewhat annoyed sigh. Emily wondered why due to the nature that it was a perfectly reasonable question to ask. "I don't know, Em. Whenever I can."

Emily's sadness grew into irritation. She let out a sigh similar to her fiancé's. "Aaron, you've said that for the past week. I know your job keeps you late, but you haven't been home earlier than one in the morning."

They tried to keep their voices quiet, afraid that Jack would be right around the corner. Aaron took a step closer to Emily. "You of all people should understand how busy my job can get."

Emily let out an amused scoff and crossed her arms. "Of course I do. But we have similar jobs, and I still make it back to feed Jack and put him to bed. He misses you. He barely gets to see you in the morning."

    Aaron let out a long sigh and hung his head in shame. As if on cue, Jack came running out of his room at the sound of his dad's voice. "Daddy!" He shouted running into his dad's arm.

    Aaron put on a smile as he scooped her up in his arms, hugging him tightly. "Hey buddy." He said kissing his son.

"Are you taking me to school today?" The boy asked hopefully.

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