Sugar Crush pt. 1

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Emily's POV

It was my second month working at the BAU with the team. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the pressure to impress everyone, especially my boss, Aaron Hotchner. Everyone called him "Hotch", but I felt like I haven't earned the right to call him that, not yet anyway.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. Although he often kept a stern face, the couple times I'd seen him smile, it was hard to look away. I couldn't date him even if I wanted to. It was completely unprofessional, and he's never shown any interest in me.

We'd been working a case in Las Vegas for the past two days. Six sugar babies and escorts had gone missing within a span of three weeks. The first three were a fews apart respectively, but the time between the more recent killings were no more than two days apparent. In the time that we'd shown up, two more bodies surfaced within a day of each other.

The unsub was quickly devolving, which was good for us because that meant that they would slip up. The unsub raped then brutally stabbed his victims. There was a lot of overkill in each of the victims, each one being stabbed anywhere between seventeen and fifty-four times. The first kill being the most brutal, according to the local M.E., where the first victim was stabbed fifty-four times. The M.E. told us that there was only one fatal stab wound to the heart and all the others were postmortem. After talking with the rest of the team, we were finally ready to give the local PD the profile.

The lead detective on the case, Jared Corbyn gathered everyone. "The person we're looking for is a white male between the ages of forty to fifty with a severe superiority complex and extremely hatred towards escorts and sugar babies." Hotch said seriously, his eyebrows furrowed as usual.

"Although this man may appear rich and put together on the outside, he is exceedingly average and any work he may have never lasts long." Morgan continued. "He's a loner, only working alone."

"He's handsome and initially appears charming, but behind closed doors his true characters shows. This charm hides his extreme rage and sadistic tendencies he feels towards this specific group of women." I said sitting on a desk. I felt Hotch briefly glance my way.

"The reason for his anger mostly likely stems from early childhood. His mother most likely worked as an escort herself and abused our unsub when she returned home, leaving him with no escape other than when she was gone." Reid stated.

"This man clearly has an issue with authority as well so he may try to contact us, telling us our profile is incorrect. And that will be our best chance at finding him. JJ will set up a tip line and press conference, announcing our profile to the public. If you have any questions, feel free to come to anyone on my team." Hotch said and turned his back on the crowd toward the bulletin board behind them. Everyone took that as their signal to disperse.

I watched as Morgan walked over to Hotch, clearly having information to tell him. I walked over to the two of them. "Hotch." Morgan said walking up to him.

Hotch turned around with his arms crossed, looking back and forth between me and Morgan. His glance stayed on me long enough for us to lock eyes for longer than was possibly intended. I felt my skin begin to burn, so I looked down at the floor briefly, allowing myself to compose myself. "At the last crime scene, Stephanie Robbin's sugar daddy was there. I talked to him a bit, but he was holding something back. There's something he's not telling us." Morgan said.

"Why don't we bring him in for questioning them?" Spencer asked.

"No. That wouldn't be a good idea." Hotch said in his usual low, stern voice. God that voice gave me chills! Get to together, Emily!

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