Fun and Games

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Emily's POV

   It had been a grueling five days in Papillon, Nebraska. We'd just finished working on a case where the unsub raped five woman, all the age of twenty-four and blonde. The unsub turned out to be a thirty-one year man who held a seriously grudge against his ex-girlfriend, the first person he raped and the only person he killed.

    We all sat on the jet in silence. Reid was reading something, while JJ was laying asleep across a couch. Rossi sat next to me writing something down while I stared out the window at the cloudless sky. I glanced over at Hotch who was looking over another file, and Morgan was asleep next to him. "Hotch, why don't you take a break? We just got off a hard case." I said, trying to meet his gaze.

    "I have a job to do. It keeps me busy." He replied coldly without looking up. I let out a scoff and looked over at Rossi for backup.

    As much as I disliked his cold demeanor, I couldn't help but find it mysterious, which made him all the more sexy. I couldn't help how I felt as much as I wish I didn't feel the way I did. "Ha sempre un bastone fin qui su per il culo?" (Does he always have a stick this far up his ass?) I asked Rossi with a smirk.

    Rossi let out a chuckle. "Solo quando gli piaci davvero." (Only when he really likes you). Rossi said with a wink.

     Rossi and I began laughing amongst ourselves. This got Hotch's attention. He finally looked up from his file and glance between Rossi and I. His eyebrow was raised in a somewhat suggestive manner, but I thought nothing of it at the time. My gaze met Hotch's mid laugh as we stared at one another that a bit longer than was comfortable. Then I saw the smallest bit of grins spread across Hotch's face. I turned back towards the window and continued to stare out at the sky. 


     Once we'd finally landed back in D.C., we returned to the BAU to do our reports. After that was over, Rossi invited us to his house for dinner and drinks. I told everyone I'd meet them there because I really needed to shower. I quickly returned home and showered. I changed into a pair of black jeans and a red tank top. I through a black leather jacket before finally getting a cab. After that case, I was going to need it. 


      I arrived at Rossi's house and everyone else's cars were there, even Hotch's, which surprised me a little. When I entered the house, the smells of garlic, tomatoes, and herbs filled my nose. "That smells amazing, Rossi!" I said pouring myself a glass of wine. "What are you making?"

      "Bolognese a la Rossi!" Rossi replied in an enthusiasm. 

      Everyone joined me at the counter except Spencer. "Hey, where's Spenc at?" I asked looking around. 

      "He had to go see his mom." JJ replied taking sip of her wine. 

      I simple nodded in response. Another body came up beside me. I saw Hotch standing beside me with no alcohol in sight. He must've been a DD which I wasn't opposed to. More wine for me. "Do you need any help?" Garcia asked. 

      "Absolutely not!" He replied quickly. "I'll have to start over if any of you help."

      Everyone let out a chuckle as we continued to watch Rossi cook. 


       After dinner, Rossi and I began cleaning up the kitchen a bit. I was scrubbing a pan when Rossi came up to me with a few plates and put them in the dishwasher. "You know he likes you right?" He asked in a voice low enough for only me to hear. 

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