Chapter Twenty

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Quinn's POV

    Avery waited till everyone else was leaving the plane to lead us off. She gave us a look that meant we were going to talk later and we nodded. A wave of terror overtook me as I stepped down and I tensed a bit. Sawyer thankfully grabbed my hand and pulled me closer and put his arm around my shoulder. I guess being out of this town let me push away thoughts of them and being back brought it all back. I started reciting various facts in my head letting Sawyer guide me to the car we were taking.

I needed to block out the memories. Jacob throwing me down the stairs. Limping down the stairs to go to school. Dianne coming down the stairs with a smirk on her face. My twins' terrified faces walking down those stairs. It was one step but it brought back so much.

Once we were settled in the car I started tapping out the numbers of pi. Avery and Sawyer exchanged a glance on either side of me but I couldn't focus on that. Sawyer tapped me on the shoulder when we arrived and I jumped a bit.

"Quinny?" Avery whispered quietly.

"I'm fine."

They exchanged another glance but Avery got out of the car and I followed slowly with Sawyer behind me. Sawyer put his arm around me again as we headed into the hotel I guess Alessandro booked.

Sawyer followed everyone to the elevator as he guided me. I could feel my breathing quickening a bit and my vision began to blur and I started counting the numbers in my head over and over trying to stop it. I could faintly tell I was being guided somewhere but I didn't know where. I was sat down on a bed and someone put their arms around me and tried saying something but I couldn't get myself to focus on them at all. They took my hand and put it on their heart and that gave me something to focus on. Memories of Jacob. Memories of Dianne. So many memories flew through my mind. Thump Thump. One two. Nothing else mattered than the numbers. I just needed to focus on the numbers. Thump-thump. One two. Just count Quinn.

"Quinny," I blinked a few times and focused on my hand resting on Sawyer's chest.

"Sawy," My eyes started to water and he hugged me tightly and Avery hugged the both of us.

"Quinny, you need to sleep tonight okay," I nodded although I doubt I could.

"It's ok Quinn." I nodded but held onto my twins reluctant to let go and they sat with me without complaint. One of them began running their hands through my hair and Sawyer began reciting my favorite story to me in Spanish and I closed my eyes and listened to his steady words.

Sawyer's POV

Quinn fell asleep soon after her panic attack and I lifted her and put her onto the bed in the room Avery brought us to.

"Is she okay?" Avery watched her closely. We were both shaken by this but we would never tell Quinn that.

"Are any of us?" I tried to lighten the mood a bit with a bad joke and she gave me a small smile. "What's your plan for tomorrow?"

Avery rolled her eyes and laid on the bed next to Quinn and I copied her actions. "We all stick to the same story if they ask anything about that last night we know nothing."

She was leaving a lot out, "And everything else? Not just the abuse, the drugs and other stuff they were in."

She shrugged distractedly, "We don't know anything. We weren't involved in it and they didn't tell us anything about it. As far as we're concerned they were decent parents that got into drugs that's it."

I nodded there was a knock at the door and Avery got up to answer it. Remo and Leonardo stood at the opening. They looked into the room to see all of us and I sat up blocking Quinn and her teary face from view. "Are the three of you okay? You all just bolted off when we walked in."

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