Chapter Sixteen

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Quinn's POV

    We made it to our room quickly but I could just tell that Avery wanted out. So when she headed towards the window I followed with Sawyer behind me. I hadn't set up our electronics that they bought for us so they wouldn't be able to track us if we left.

    Avery opened the window slightly and paused, "Hey Quinny, mind hacking the camera for a few minutes?"

    I shrugged and headed to the bag with the new laptops, "It's going to take me about 15 minutes to hack in and that's only if their system is low grade. If it is set up well it will definitely take some time."

    Avery sighed, "Just leave it."

    Sawyer raised his brows in surprise but we followed her out the window. "I assume you know how to get off the roof right."

    Avery gave him a look, "I mean we could just jump; however because I am the smart one I was thinking we climb down the convenient pipe right there."

    Honestly, I didn't want to know when she had the time to scout the roof for ways to get down and Sawyer felt the same because he shrugged and followed Avery over. Sawyer went down first then Avery had me climb down and I had to bite my tongue as the pain in my shoulder flared up again. I really should've taken a painkiller before we left.

    Avery hopped off the pipe halfway down and Sawyer mumbled 'show-off' under his breath. "So, Ave, where are we going."

    "The woods duh."

Sometimes I really question my siblings' sanity. "You're telling me your plan for sneaking out is to go into the woods. Woods that we have no information about. You are aware that woods here are completely different from Nevada right?."

Avery just shrugged and began walking off, "Relax Quinny, I know what I am doing." I don't think she ever knows what she is doing but nevertheless, Sawyer and I followed her.

Conveniently after walking through the huge yard and getting into the woods there was a hidden path. We followed it away from the house and deeper into the woods. The trees were close together but sunlight still filtered through letting us see clearly.

We walked quietly for about 10 minutes with Avery and Sawyer sometimes joking around for a laugh. As we walked I saw some sort of structure up ahead and pointed it out to my twins.

    "Sooooo, is the great and wonderful Avery leading her poor innocent twins to an evil witch's house," Sawyer smirked at her and she flipped him off.

    "Honestly, I'm ok with living with a witch as long as she doesn't hurt us. It could be fun."

    "Sure Quinn you would like it until you found out there is no internet or books."

    I just hummed agreeing with Avery. No internet access would be terrible.

    Even with our joking, Avery charged fearlessly towards the structures that looked like small wooden forts up close. Avery and Sawyer went into the biggest fort climbing up a small ladder while I walked around looking at it all. There were three smaller forts surrounding the bigger one all looked old but they weren't falling apart. Although they definitely seemed to be abandoned. I was about to question it but Avery called.

    "Quinny get up here already." I sighed and headed to the main fort where Sawyer and Avery were. Avery had a cigarette lit and I wondered how we managed to go through airport security with cigarettes and pain killers but I figure the social worker person and her papers had something to do with it.

    I laid down and laid my head on Sawyer's lap, "Are we going to talk about it?" Sawyer asked quietly. I tensed up and Sawyer began running his hand through my hair.

    "We have to go back. But there is no way they will find out everything. We'll go and act as if we blocked it out because of shock or whatever." Of course, Avery had a plan already and I was completely on board with following it to a T. Right now I just needed them to figure it out for me because I couldn't let myself think about it. About him and the others. I just couldn't.

    "You okay Quinny?"

    I looked up to Sawyer's worried face, "Yeah I'm fine." He didn't seem to believe me but didn't press me about it.

    In the distance, the three of us heard footsteps and Avery looked out the window and swore under her breath, "Helpless fucking path."

    Sawyer raised a brow in a question when she turned back to us, "We have to go two guys heading this way." I began to get up but it was too late.

    The footsteps stopped and I looked towards the entrance where two teen boys were staring at us. "You know it's rude to stare right?"

    "Well it's also rude to trespass дура so I think we're even." (fool) Well, one of the two blonds seemed to be a match for Avery. This is going to be fun.

    "The place looked abandoned мудила." (asshole)

    The second rolled his eyes, "While I'm sure the two of you can keep going I am going to stop you. I'm Nikolai and that's," He nodded towards the other boy, "My twin Viktor." His twin seemed annoyed with him but he ignored him and smiled at us. Avery matched it with her classic glare but I gave a small smile back for some reason.

    "I'm Sawyer and this is my twin Quinn," He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him a bit, he then gestured to Avery, "And that's my other twin Avery."

    The two nodded and climbed into the fort with us Avery came and sat with Sawyer and me and the other two sat across from us. "So what are the three of you doing in our fort?" Unlike everyone else, this Nikolai seemed interested in a conversation. I was going to let Avery and Sawyer talk to them. They were better at that than I was. When we were kids and they weren't around the kids would turn on me because they thought I talked weird and was too smart and was showing off so I stopped talking. There was no point to unless it was with or for my twins.

"We moved here recently."

    He accepted Avery's vague answer but Viktor narrowed his eyes but didn't comment, "So that means you're going to be starting school here." We nodded, "I'm guessing you're going to go to Angelwood High then because it's the only good school around."

    "I guess you go there then?" Sawyer asked and they both nodded.

    "Yeah, everyone that goes there is rich so be ready for that. Richard Angelwood founded the school ages ago and ever since it's been filled with assholes." Well, I'm pretty sure this Viktor guy is Avery's twin.

    "And yet by the way you look you are friends with a lot of the so-called assholes." Viktor glared at her and Nikolai laughed clearly enjoying their fighting as much as Sawyer and I were but unlike him, we weren't as expressive about it. Weirdly though none of us seemed to feel the need to hide our emotions with them. Well, not all of our emotions at least.

    Nikolai told us a bit more about the school and that they were both 16 but in general none of us asked any personal questions and after some time they lapsed into silence enjoying the sounds from the forest surrounding us.

    When it started to get dark out Avery said it was time to leave with a sigh, "Awe does the princess not want to go home?" Viktor smirked at her.

    "Not at all мудила because I know we're going to get yelled at for sneaking out." (asshole) They both laughed at that.

    As we began to walk away but Nikolai called for us to wait, "What's your cell number we should meet up again."

    I glanced at Avery who gave me a subtle nod, "(775) 457-5893." He gave me a warm smile and typed it into his phone quickly. I was happy he didn't make a comment about my lack of talking until now

    "We'll have new numbers soon so we'll text them to you later." They nodded not questioning it and we headed back through the dim forest to Alessandro's house.

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