Chapter Eleven

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Avery's POV

    "What does confuse me though is the whole off-limits zone. What do you think is on the third floor and in the basement?" Leave it to Quinn to read my mind. Quite honestly I do think they were honest about the floors being used for business but the question is why.

    "I think they use it for business but my question is why, they are clearly rich so why have business work taking up two floors of the house?" Sawyer hit the mark as well.

    I nodded, "We need to do some more research into their business tomorrow."

    Quinn nodded and Sawyer took that as a cue to change the subject, "How much time do you think we have to get out of here."

    I shrugged and walked over to the big window and looked out, "There's a camera outside so going out the window is possible because we could probably find somewhere to climb down but once we're on the roof they will probably know. As for how long I'm not sure probably at least a day or two."

    They nodded and we all decided to get ready for bed and locked the door, while we weren't tired we could cuddle together for a while before we fell asleep, something we haven't been able to do for a long time.

Leonardo's POV

    We all watched as the triplets walked up the stairs we all called out goodnights and Remo offered to walk them to their room but we got no reply. When I found out about my baby siblings I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I definitely wasn't them to be like that although it could be expected considering that they watched their mother get murdered.

    "Oh my goodness they are adorable, when can I hug them?" Of course, Remo wanted to ignore what we discussed about giving them some space as they adjust to living here. He was also ignoring their blatant disrespect and attitude issues although I hoped that would change in time when they accept that we are their family.

    "Like they would want to hug us, they shouldn't even be here and it's obvious that they think the same." Adriano rolled his eyes, while usually he is a great kid to family he is cold to others and I know when he warms up to them he will be more supportive.

    Remo just rolled his eyes, "They look just like me," Dad seemed overjoyed with this and while we all know he loved us all equally he always wanted one of his kids to have most of his features and all of us had mom's face or had her blonde hair and aquamarine eyes or both. And now there's the triplets with his dark brown hair and blue eyes and facial features that made them all look like him. If there was any doubt about them being his kids it evaporated the minute I saw them.

"They know Russian." Angelo seemed thoughtful and maybe wistful if they grew up here like they should've then they would know Italian because we would've taught it to them.

"They also follow Avery," Dad was right, they let her talk for them for the most part. While Sawyer seemed confident when he talked Quinn was a little more hesitant probably because she didn't trust us or that she was shy.

"They are not going to be following any of the rules," Dante seemed conflicted with the triplets while I could tell he wanted to protect them and coddle them the other part wanted to strengthen them.

"We don't know that for sure, they've been through a lot the past three days they are probably just acting out right now." Dad seemed confident in this and I didn't want to contradict him.

"The other mafias are going to be finding out about them soon. Is it really a good idea to just hope they follow the rules?" Remo was worried about the three and was probably figuring out how to spend more time with them and find out what their favorite foods are.

"We'll handle it, they are safer here than somewhere else," Dad said, looking at Adriano trying to get his point across. Adriano was the one who wanted to send them into foster care and he might have suggested it to keep them safe it would only put them into more danger if someone connected us to them.

"We should take them out shopping tomorrow. Dante said they only came with backpacks," Cesco rivaled Remo in enthusiasm about the triplets although I'm not sure if it is specifically about having new siblings or not being the youngest anymore. 

Dad nodded thoughtfully, "We have an important meeting tomorrow and Dante has to work at the hospital so why don't you and the twins take them."

Cesco and Angelo nodded and Adriano just rolled his eyes and huffed but we ignored his disrespect, "We will be adding more bodyguards with the triplets going out and all."

They shrugged at that and we all headed out of the living room. Usually, I would go work for a few hours but tonight I headed upstairs with my brothers leaving my dad downstairs walking to his office.

Remo skipped his room and walked to the room the triplets were in, "Why do they want to stay in one room?" He kept his voice down because their lights were off and we couldn't hear anything from inside the room.

I shrugged, "They probably don't trust us yet or just feel safer together," Remo seemed a little sad about the first part but then seemed to start gushing about how cute they were. The only thing I wanted was for them to feel safe with us too. We were their older brothers. They should feel comfortable enough to come to us but because of our mother they none of us knew the others existed.

"They're my babies, they should trust us."

I sighed, "I know we just need to give them time." I led Remo away from their door before we woke them. We separated as Remo stopped by Cesco's room probably to tell him goodnight as if the goodnights we bid one another earlier weren't good enough.

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