The Shape Shifter

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●Shape Shifter's Description●

Shape Shifter is a 30 Feet tall Cybertronian, who has a Spark that cares for living creatures. Unfortunately because of the current war between humans and Cybertronians, he despises them.

He possesses knight-like armour as his basic appearance. His armour somewhat resembles similar to the Knights of Iacon, with that bulky-like armour on his upper body, but he wore a metallic splited waist cape behind his legs. He also has simple pauldrons. His fingertips are sharp, with claw-like resemblance.

Shape Shifter's armour is completely black in colour, with the exception of his pauldrons and armoured arms down to his forearms, they are blood-red in colour. Those are his favourite colours for some reasons which he doesn't know.

Currently mounted on his back, he possesses his Cybertronian Tank cannon, but in the future he will remove it.

His mask that he wore has sharp diagonal eyes pointed to his chin. Everytime when he uses his mask, his eyes also glows an intimidating red. Additionally, he occasionally reveals his face, but when needed.

His favourite weapon is a Japanese longsword which he suddenly favoured the moment he woke up from Stasis Mode on Earth, when he looked through Earth's World Wide Web. Since he possesses a Human Form, he even has a sword for this form too. The name of his sword is, Heiwa.

If those who first met Shape Shifter up close, they will feel complete horror and terrified because of his intimidating appearance.

Alternate Jet Mode:

Alternate Tank Mode:

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Alternate Tank Mode:

Art of Shockwave TFP created by Augusto Barranco

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Art of Shockwave TFP created by Augusto Barranco


(In the story, both of Shape Shifter's Alternate Modes are Jet-Black in colour.)

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