He looked back at his sister.


She flinched at the use of her old nickname.

"We have rules. The second you break one, you break all."

He walked back inside too. Mira held onto Avery's hand.

"He'll come around. Let's go in," Mira assured her.

She smiled at her and Avery smiled back but it didn't reach her eyes. They walked into the house with everyone and followed Ray into the TV room. Giya switched the TV off as they all sat scattered in their bubbles.

Eventually, Mira spoke. "I want to know what happened two years ago. Starting with Líla?" Everyone in the room looked at Avery, who glanced at Giya. Giya turned her gaze away. Avery knew the only people who knew somewhat of the truth about Líla were Claudia, Adam, Ms González and Giya but they didn't know Avery's side of the story. They all refused to listen.

Avery sighed, sensing that most of the room was waiting for her. "As you know, I used to be quite rebellious and sometimes irresponsible," she began.

Giya huffed and bit the inside of her cheek causing Ray to give her a stern look. Mira had never seen her mother so blatantly express her disapproval of Avery. Avery continued once Ray gave her the go-ahead. "When we started high school Líla and I heard about this party taking place at The Secret Falls and decided it'd be cool to check it out and to be one of the big kids." Avery clenched her fist, her nails digging into the palm of her hand. "If I had known that day, it was a college rave party taking place, I never would have let her go. Then again, we didn't know what to expect. Once we arrived there were the usual things one would find at a rave; snacks, alcohol... d-drugs." She stammered and Giya rolled her eyes.

"You've told us this before. You and Líla took some. You recovered but Líla never did. She got addicted. Then she died. End of story." Giya got up to walk away but Mira grabbed onto her arm too shocked to even comprehend what her mother had just revealed. Mira knew there was more, Avery could never have let it happen. "How many times have you let your homophobic tendencies cloud your judgement. I know there's something Avery has to say that she's been holding back because of you and your hostility. Mom, if you trust me, hear her out. "

Giya stared at Mira, confused by her statement, but she sat back down still stumped at Mira's accusation.

"Líla, as Giya said, got addicted. I didn't know."

"Lies," Giya intervened. "You knew exactly how and when, just admit it."

Mira was confused why her mother was acting so hostile toward Avery. Ray placed a hand on Giya's shoulder to stop her and Giya snapped out of her rage. She looked over at Ray and they seemed to share a silent message and Giya backed down.

"I swear –" Avery began again. This time, Aiden was the one standing, his shoulders trembling with rage.

"Then tell us how it was, that Lila was addicted to the same drugs that they found in Mira's system the night she fell off the cliff at The Secret Falls!"

The world began to tilt sideways as the TV room turned into an unbearable furnace for Mira. She swallowed back the lump in her throat, finding herself not being able to breathe properly. She sat back on the couch as the situation before her escalated but she couldn't move.

She was paralyzed.

She glanced at Avery who looked crestfallen, terrified to go on.

Mira wanted to reach out to her, hold her and tell her she was fine and encourage her to continue but she knew the shock had hit her too.

Once upon another Eden: LilithWhere stories live. Discover now