Truth And I Are Never One

Start from the beginning

“He was protecting me.” He says, heart jumping in his chest. Arthur stops, his hand on the door.

“What?” His voice has an edge to it, a warning for Merlin to tread carefully. Merlin swallows and turns to face his King.

“You said he was hiding something. It was me. I--” He chokes on his next words, tears falling freely down his cheeks. “I’m a sorcerer, Arthur. I have magic.”

Anger takes over Arthur’s features and he storms over to where Merlin stands, crowding into his personal space.

“Don’t ever say that again. I know you love Gaius, and I know he was like a father to you, but telling lies like this--”

Merlin’s eyes flash gold, and wind rushes through the council chambers, rustling the pages of the books and ruffling the men’s hair. A look of horror dawns on Arthur’s face and he stumbles backwards until his back hits the table. Merlin chokes on a sob, ducking his head in shame.

“I use it for you, Arthur. Only for you.”

“How--how could you do this to me? After everything we’ve seen, everything we’ve done together--” Arthur’s voice shakes, and Merlin digs his nails into the soft skin of his arm.

“I was born with magic, Arthur. I’ve always had it.” He watches his tears fall on the stone floor, waiting for the sword in his chest, or the shout for the guards. When neither of them come, he looks back up at Arthur. “I use it to protect you.”

“That’s impossible,” Arthur whispers, shaking his head, but Merlin can see the gears turning in his head, the puzzle pieces all coming together. “Oh, God, I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Gaius was protecting me. He knew if you and Agravaine found out, you’d--” Merlin chokes on another sob. “But now he’s been kidnapped, Arthur, and I can’t--”

Arthur shakes his head, steadying himself with a hand on the top of a chair.

“You’ve just admitted to lying to me for the past seven years Merlin, and committing treason on top of that.” He grits out.

“I know. I know, and you can execute me as soon as we save Gaius. Please, Arthur.” Merlin lifts his head, finally meeting Arthur’s eyes. “Please.”

Arthur swallows, pain-filled eyes boring into Merlin’s, before he nods.


Merlin nearly starts sobbing all over again with relief, his shoulders dropping and his arms falling back to his sides.

“We need to search your uncle’s chambers. Hopefully, he’ll have something that will help us find Gaius in there,” Arthur lets out a pained noise, but nods.

“I can distract him.” He says, pressing his lips tightly together. “I can’t buy you a lot of time.”

“It will be enough,” Merlin says. Awkward silence falls over the room.

“Thank you,” Merlin finally blurts out, chest constricting. “I -- I figured you’d run me through when I told you.”

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