83| Homecoming

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Theo? I didn't know that he'd entered. Oh well, probably just didn't tell me or something?

Eh, I should vote for him. And for the girl... I'll do Hylla. I submitted the paper in. Now, it was time to wait for the results.


"-So, first, you give your present to Theo, and then we'll go shopping for homecoming dresses! Simple!" Leah went on.

"Alright, fine. Sounds like a plan," I replied.


We were walking in the hallway, when I finally saw Theo.

"Erm.. hi," I said awkwardly, covering the present.

"Hey," he said back distractedly.

"I... got something to give you. Happy Late Birthday?"

I slowly handed him the pair of headphones, and he took them curiously. "Thanks?"

"Your welcome," I quickly squeaked before running away.

After I got back, Carina said something about 'being awkward.' No idea what she was talking about.

She gave up, anyway, and we drove to Snips 'N Drip. Just as we walked into the store, Carina was already searching through dresses.

"-do you think this would look good on me?" she held up a yellow one.

"Hm... nah, do shiny," Leah judged, and Carina huffed. "This one?"

A red one, a green one, an orange one, a brown one.

"Ooh! I think this would look great on you, Leah!" Carina smiled, tossing her a pink dress with lace.

"I'll try it on." Leah came out of the changing room a few minutes later, beaming. She looked great!

"That'll be 99 pounds," the lady at the cashier exclaimed.

Leah frowned. "That's quite expensive... here you go," she gave her the money.

Carina later found her own dress, which was black with flower designs.

"It's 82 pounds," she read. "That's not... too bad, I guess..." she muttered unsurely.

Lastly, it was my turn. After a lot of try-ons, I finally found a smooth purple dress with pretty designs embroidered around it. However, it was 127 pounds. Did I have that much money?

Yes, I did! I didn't know how or why I did, but that didn't matter. I was getting the dress!

"So, everyone ready for homecoming?!" Carina cheered excitedly.

"YEAH!" Leah and I yelled back, and I genuinely felt great.

"Then let's go!" Carina cried, slipping on her shoes.

"How that girl runs in high heels, I'll never know," Leah muttered.


Homecoming was awesome. I could barely hear myself over all the sound. I even danced a bit!

It was soon time to announce the homecoming queen and king.

Principal Deliah, (which, mind you, I was not very fond of) walked up to the stage with a piece of paper in her hand, and a few others following behind her with crowns, those banner thingies that I forgot the name of, and flowers.

She tapped the microphone, making an echo ring across the room.

"Welcome, Laybell High," she announced. "To our homecoming! This year, out of all our contestants, the homecoming king is..."

Silence. I could feel the tension.

"THEODORE NOTT!" she yelled, and the noise rose up once more.

I clapped, of course, expecting these results.

"And for the homecoming queen, I'm excited to say that it is..."


Half-hearted but loud applause.

Why hadn't I sensed this pairing sooner? Then I paled at an ugly thought as Kristen and Theo walked up to the stage, receiving all sorts of things like matching sashes. 

It was a tradition for the homecoming queen and king to kiss.

Before, it wouldn't bother me, but now, I have a bad feeling in my gut. Was it... jealousy?


Anyway, you know this, but there's probably only a few more chapters until this book is D-O-N-E DONE! Ily guys so much!


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