13| P.E Sucks

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I slumped onto my bed groaning and pulled out my laptop to begin writing. Before I could get started though, my phone beeped and although I really shouldn't- I peeked at it and saw a message from Carina. 

Well... one small text won't hurt, right?


@dianatheevans!!! where are you? 

wanna meet up for dinner in the hall 

i heard they're serving steak tonight XD


really no way?!?! 

how'd you know?


i spied the kitchen after detention T-T

which btw was so gruesome i had to restock Minerva's fridge

I smiled and quickly typed out a response. 


ooh really! yes let's go eat I'm so hungry 

and please, i literally had to write a billion lines for my detention- that's so unfair!

Just as I was about to set my phone down, Carina's reply came through and of course, I had to read it. 


great! i'll meet you guys in the stables at 8!


im already there! taking notes for P.E tomorrow! 


damn, I'm here too! Where are you?

However, there was no reply from Leah. 


Leah? Where did she go? 


I can't find her! Help! 

Suddenly, I had a horrible feeling in my stomach and I ran to the dorm door, stopping only to grab my shoes. Did something happen to her? 

Gasping, I ran through the dark hallways of the school and out onto the field, still barefooted. 

In the distance, I could see a group of tall figures. 


Was that a gun? 

I ran faster. Through the grass and to the barn. The silhouettes were getting clearer. 

"HEY!", I shouted when I got close. "WHO ARE YOU?"

A flash went up out of nowhere and there appeared a glowing orb of light, illuminating the faces of... Nott and Malfoy?!?

"WHAT IS GOING ON?", I screamed, angry and still a little terrified. 

Then, another two figures burst from the forest. "DIANAA!", the taller one screamed, and with relief, I realized it was just Leah and Carina. 

"Thank god! Where were you?", I shouted, embracing Leah in a suffocating hug. "I was so worried- oh my god- I'm so glad you're okay!"

Leah, panting, buried her head into my arms. "Ahhh, I saw this robber- he had- he had a gun, I thought he was going to kill me!"

Nott coughed, "Yea we shot him"


I felt slightly dizzy as a blank cloud whitewashed over me. Where am I? What had I been doing for the past hour?

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but wonder why my feet were caked in dirt inside my dorm. Had I sleepwalked?

Whatever the case, I knew I still had tons of homework to do. By 9:15, I managed to practice a bit of flute through my throbbing headache and decided to just go to sleep. I could always wake up early tomorrow, right?

I took a quick shower, the warm water washing over me in relief from my dizziness, and flopped into bed. Grabbing my phone, I decided to tell Carina and Leah about my sudden headache.



guysss i feel like the strangest thing just happened.

i can't remember what i was doing the last hour or so?

and now i have a headache T-T



oh well, goodnight guys (:

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