12| I Write Until My Hand Falls Off (JK that would be creepy)

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At exactly 6:00 pm, I walked into the math classroom for my first detention. 

"Hello?" I asked, my voice echoing off the walls.

"Yes," said Professor Minerva, scowl on her face.

"You will be doing lines today. Please write 'I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.' 50 times. If I see a smudge, then redo the entire thing."

I sighed and grabbed a marker, carefully writing what was said.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

And again and again.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

I must not talk and respect my professors, especially when they are explaining something important.

At 8:00 I was finally done. My hand was dragging across the paper at that point, the pen was practically moving itself now.


"I will be expecting to see you tomorrow Ms. Evans. Don't mess up again."

I hurried out of the door. If I could create a list of people I didn't like, there would be a lot.

I imagined the image in my head.

1. Kristen

2. Nott

3. Malfoy

4. Zabini

5. Professor Minerva

The list could go on and on. 

Well speak of the devil himself, there Nott was sitting in the dark. Against my better instincts, I approached him. "What are you doing?"

Of course, he glared at me and sneered nastily.

"Fine", I muttered, and headed back to my dorm in order to continue the huge pile of homework I still had left. 

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