6| Why's Everyone on Maniac-Mode

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The cafeteria was full of students, but I managed safely guide the transfers through the buffet to get our food. By the time we reached an empty table, Ron had already eaten half of his overstuffed plate that was filled with macaroni, apply pie, pizza, rolls, and chocolate cake. 

I looked at him nervously, hoping he wouldn't get sick, but ended up turning my gaze elsewhere. He could eat what he wanted to, just like I could eat what I wanted to. Maybe I was just saying that because of the 10 slices of garlic bread though, (that stuff was HEAVENLY).

"There's so much food here," exclaimed Hermione, looking around in awe.

"Yes, also as much as our school, and they don't have magic", Ron agreed in between mouthfuls of mash potato. 

I sniffed indignantly, "Im sure our chefs are just as great at cooking as yours."

Hermione looked up, alarmed. "Oh no, no of course." 

I narrowed my eyes at her but decided to say no more. "Well Ron, whatever the case, our lunch isn't free here, I hope you're ready to pay."

Upon hearing that, Harry spit out a chunk of pie- straight onto the table. 

I suddenly felt really bad, why had I assumed they would bring money?? "I'll get you napkins", I said apologetically, quickly running towards the stand. 

However, there weren't any there and I ran to the bathroom instead, only to bump into someone in the hallway. With my luck, of course, it was Nott and Malfoy, though their friend was nowhere to be found. 

Nott jumped back and snarled at me, his hand moving to his pocket.

"STOP!" I shouted, grabbing his wrist to prevent him from drawing whatever he was about to draw. Probably a knife. 

I looked around desperately, but the hallway was empty except for the three of us. Where was Hylla?

Nott glared at me and when I didn't back down, Malfoy hit me on the head with a thin wooden stick. "Watch it, you disgusting muggle" - there it was, that strange word again. 

I knew better than to hit him back though, being severely outnumbered and all. Instead I settled on the next best thing and hissed back at him. 

"Shut. Your. Mouth. You filthy squib." he shot back.

I sniffed myself once again - thank god for the bathroom air freshener- and all I detected was brownie and peach. "I smell fine, like my grandma, Ester"

Nott wrinkled his nose. "He wasn't talking about your smell, you animal."

I took a long, deep, exasperated breath. "Excuse me?"

"You have no right, muggle. How much money do you have?"

"Ok look-"

"What are you, a middle-class income family? Explains the smell.", Nott interrupted, continuing on his rampage. 

"That's hardly any of your business, thank you very much," I replied coldly.

"That's smart" Malfoy sneered. "I bet your parents have less than the Weasleys, and that's saying something."

"What", I asked, moving to step away back into the cafeteria. Any earlier notion I had of Nott was dismissed, and all I wanted to do was shove his perfect face into a classroom door and break those straight, white teeth. "What's Azkaban, anyway?"

Draco sneered. "It's a place built for people like you. Unless you have enough money of course"

Before anybody could say another word, the lunch bell rang and I rushed back into the cafeteria where the trio was still waiting. 

"What happened?" Hermione asked, glancing at the scrape on my head, concerned. 

I shook her off quickly, covering the reddish tint in my skin with my hair. "It was nothing, I just ran into Nott and Malfoy in the hallway... Nott said some things, and Malfoy just made it worse."

"You know...", Hermione said thoughtfully, "Back at our old school it was always Malfoy who went out of his way to make our lives miserable. Nott was quieter and kept to himself mostly."

I frowned, "What happened?"

"Nobody knows", Hermione said, shaking her head. "Nott just came in one day and started throwing his family wealth around like all his friends."

"Peer pressure?"

Hermione shrugged sadly. 

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