14| The Definition Of Homework Is Doom

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Finally reaching the stables, I quickly ran over to Coco, who looked almost asleep.

She neighed at me as I brought her out. With ease, I grabbed an apple, and Coco chomped on it, chewing it thoughtfully. After feeding her, she went back in as I put a blanket on her.

"I'm done," I announced to all of them.

Nott snarled at his horse who had thrown her legs up.

"I'm trying to feed you, horse."

I went over. "Calm down!" I yelled, and the horse put her legs down.

"What's your name?" I looked at the tag. "Ebony," I read.

"We're not going to hurt you," I cried, and Ebony trotted over to me, letting me pet her.

"Don't be so aggressive," I whispered to Nott, and he sneered at me.

I rolled my eyes in return, then shut the stable door. "Everyone done?"

"Yeah." called Carina and Leah, walking out, then Blaise and Draco walking out afterwards.

It was pretty late now, so I quickly rushed back to our dorms, waved goodbye to Carina and Leah, then for the second time in 1 hour, collapsed on the bed.


But I still had tons of homework to do. I obviously wasn't about to go to the cooking classroom and bake, so that left biology and literature, along with band. Since the chemistry professor didn't assign homework, I only had 3 subjects left. Doing band first, I stood up, got out my music stand, took out my flute, and played as quietly as possible.

Now it was 9:15, and I decided to do biology, since I really wasn't looking forward to literature. What was the homework again? Oh right. I recalled the To-Do List from class.

To-Do List

Finish reading chapter 1

Summarize the first paragraph, do the rest for homework

Define the words "classification" and "organism" in your own words

I was already done reading, along with summarizing the first paragraph, which meant I had to do the rest.

LALALA I don't want to make up more reading stuff so LALALA for summarization. Yes, I'm that lazy.

Then I was on number 3, defining the words classification and organism.

The Definition Of Organism and Classification

By: Diana Evans

Organism: The meaning of organism is simply anything living, from plants and animals, to fungi and algae

Classification: Classification is what scientists do to sort all organisms into groups, judging on features, actions, etc.

Lastly, there was literature. Cue a groan. I opened chapter 6 in the book, and began to read.

Chapter 6

After Calypso had changed from her snow-covered clothes, she walked outside to see Clio and Daphne arguing again.

(Not gonna change Daphne's name because I completely forgot about her...don't worry she's still alive)

"Why did you even come in the first place?"

"Believe me, I never wanted to!" Clio shot back.

"Yeah? Well, I don't believe you!" Daphne scoffed.

"You don't need to!"

"So you saying that you never had any interior motive?"


"Nothing like trying to clear your name when Boo-Boo-Hoo comes back?"

"After all this time? You really believe that?"


This was going to take a while. After the first summary was done, it was already 9:45.

Reading done. 10:00

2nd done. 10:20.

Reading done. 10:30.

3rd done. 10:50.

Reading done. 11:00.

4th done. 11:20.

Reading done. 11:30.


10 minutes to midnight.

Yawning, I checked my phone and started to text my friends.


Casual Group Of Weird Ppl 🤗


You guys? Anyone awake?



Princess Leah:

Jeez. Trying to get homework

done, Cari. Ha! Done with

literature 😁


Oh. Homework. 😭

Literature is the WORST


Agreed 😌

Princess Leah:

Diana! You're here! Done with

homework yet?




Aw! Am I the only one that

isn't done with hw?

Princess Leah:

Looks like it


Hmph. Well, anyway,

it's midnight now, so..

I'll try to get homework

done. Goodnight!

Princess Leah:




Then I went to sleep, waiting to see what wonders tomorrow would bring.


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