53| You Better Not Mess This Up, Thea?

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DISCLAIMER: (again) I have not been to a high school band concert before, so excuse my terrible guess on how it goes. In fact, I don't even know if these things exist-

"Oh my gosh!" I nearly screamed, running my fingers through my hair.

"On the bright side, Thea.. Theodora..? What was the name again?" Carina asked.

"Theo," Leah told her as I screamed in my pillow.

"Yes! Thea! He.. or was it a she? Whatever, they won't know where you were, so-"


"AH! Okay, he's not as creepy-looking as I expected, but.. He acts creepy," listed Carina, investigating him, much not to the amusement of Nott.

"Get off me, you f-"

"Okay! And we're leaving! Have a.. Bad time," I muttered, but cleared my throat and said "-good time.."

He looked at me suspiciously. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere that bothers you.." I said nervously, smiling tightly, but it didn't look like he bought it.

"I'll find out sooner or later," he shrugged, and was gone.

"Damn, how does he go away so quickly? It's like, a second he's here, and the next he's gone poof!" Carina grumbled.

"Let's go," Leah exclaimed, and grabbed her hand.


"-And we have Laybell High performing.. Banjo!" the announcer announced. (that sounds weird 0.o)

We entered the stage and started playing. (I probably won't be able to find any of the songs so don't get your hopes up)

Lalalala! (I haven't listened to any of the songs before either so just deal with the la's)

I looked down at the crowd, and spotted Nott. What is he doing here? I inwardly screamed, but tried to focus. He started doing weird faces at me, and I shut my eyes, but somehow, I could still imagine how it looked and almost lost it.

Almost there.. Ignore it for a bit longer.. I thought.

The song was done, and I let out a large sigh of relief, causing others to stare at me weirdly, and I looked away quickly.

"You did great!" assured Leah excitedly.

"Well, yeah, I guess, but there's still two more songs."

"Oh. Um.. good luck again, I guess?"

"Yup. Yay me,"

"And BOO NOTT!" yelled Carina, and Leah facepalmed.

Okay! The chapter's done! I have a few things to talk about, but first..

TY to


That's a problem. Um, I've found one for Diana and Theo, obviously Draco and Blaise, but no one else. And.. I have literally no idea how to add multiple pictures in one chapter, so please help me because I'm clueless 😭

Yeah. If I figure it out, then HOPEFULLY the next chapter will be all the actors/actresses, since IDK how to add chapters in.



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