42| I'm Ready For The Festival! I Think..

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Edited by theeyz

He hung up. I didn't think anything of it, I was too busy thinking about his words.

Sticks that create light? The only thing I could think of lightsabers, and I almost choked at the thought of Malfoy using a lightsaber. Absolutely insane, I was going.

And letters? Maybe it was an old-fashioned school.. But blood types? So if someone was type B or something, they wouldn't like it..? But that didn't mean they had to get violent.And besides, most people don't even know what their own blood type is so how is Malfoy supposed to know? And was Nott apart of this terrorist group too?

But if he was really part of that group, it didn't look like any of them were holding weapons, much less lightsabers. But it CREATED light. Maybe you had to make light a specific way?

Sticks for light? You could make fire with sticks by rubbing them together if you tried hard enough, but that didn't sound it, so how else did you create light with a stick? I thought of something else.

"Yes, also as much as our school, and they use mag-mmph," said Ron.

"Shh, Ronald!" Hermione hissed.

"Mag-Magic? They use MAGIC at your school?" I asked, appalled.

"Ah, nevermind that. I meant...MAD LIBS. THEY USE MAD LIBS TO CHOOSE EVERYTHING! LIKE OUR FOOD, SCHEDULES, SPORTS!" Hermione practically shouted.

So maybe I was right? They did use magic? It would explain why Hermione wanted him to be quiet. Or maybe they really did use mad libs to choose everything....but if they could use magic, what was I?

A muggle, I realized.

"But that's ridiculous.. How is that possible? It- it just doesn't make sense. Why would these magic people care about blood?" I muttered to myself. Magical blood perhaps?

I didn't give another thought about that.

"Maybe I'll eventually find out. Now's not the time," I sighed, and collapsed onto my bed in a heap of exhaustion. Soon, I fell asleep.

I had the weirdest and scariest dream ever.

"LALALAAAAA!" Everyone sang, and I got on the table and danced.

"YAYYYY!!!!" We all cheered until the principal came in and kicked us all out.

"BWAHAHAHA!" I laughed weirdly, but then turned around to see that costume.


"You can run, but you can't hide!" hissed a snake that was talking, and I tried to run, but tripped over a stick.

"You really think you could get away?" whispered a voice in my ear.

I said nothing.



I gasped for breath, and then heard a thump sound. I was on the floor. "It wasn't real, it wasn't real." I reassured myself, and climbed back onto the bed.

"It's 7:30 already?" I groaned, and got up, before jumping back in.

"That's cold." I chattered, and quickly got dressed.

Drowsily, I walked through the hallways before receiving a message.


SCREE!!! The Halloween festivals today!


I completely forgot..

Princess Leah:

See u there, ig?



I literally can NOT wait any longerrr!

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