60| Why Can't We All Just GET ALONG? Sorry, No

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"Oh, um, hi.." I muttered awkwardly to Nott, and looked at the splattered drink across the floor; and, on us.

"Do you know how much that cost?" He pointed to his coat, which looked furry, and.. Real.


"That's none of your business. But do you know how much it cost? Much more than your whole dingy house, I'm sure-"

"Well then you should have watched where you were going!"

"Are you really that thick? YOU crashed into me!"

"What were you doing at the cafe anyway? It's like the ice cream parlor. You hate it!" I snapped.

"You're not in charge of where I go! You're just a fil-"

"Yeah, I know, that's like the ONLY insult you can think of!"

"Because you're-"

"Oh my gosh, just calm down!" Leah yelled. "We'll just clean it up, and everyone can go on their merry way-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Nott growled threateningly.

"Geez, you could have told me you were sensitive-"


"Do I have to tell you all to calm down too?" squeaked Carina, scooting toward the scene.

"No, he's just being overdramatic! Let's just clean it up!" I kneeled down to examine the mess.

"Don't touch it." Nott narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh, fine! Then why don't YOU clean it up yourself then?" I asked.

"That's not my job, it's-"

"Mine? Well, now it's not because I can't do anything! Now if you can excuse me.." I wiped a napkin across my jeans.

"If you just let me finish, then-"

"Then what? I can hear you insult me some more? No thank you."

"You didn't let me finish!"

"You know what?"

"What are you gonna do?"

"You're rude,"

"Oh, too bad. You can go run along to your old cheap house and cry because I'm rude!'

"See what happens when I let you finish?"

"That's besides the point!"

"I don't see why it is!"


"I'm leaving," Leah announced. "Coming?" she looked at me and Carina.

"Fine," I grumbled, but let out a hard glare at Nott before I stormed away.

Sorry for this short dialogue chapter! Daylight savings is KILLING me! It feels like 5:30 when I wake up when it's ALMOST 7! Like 😥


Muggle Trouble -Theodore Nott-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora