80| I Am Crushed. By A Rock.

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Late chapter, I know, sorry :( my internet is terrible rn, too...

I was running. For my life, suffocating, legs burning, not just the one that was injured. The cave was caving in, and I decided that I had.. A few minutes at most until everything would fall down. I needed to get me, and Theo, out before that happened.

But I didn't exactly know where he was. Why didn't I bring a map or something? Maybe leave a trail like in Hansel and Gretel?

Swerving through different tunnels, I could not find a single one that looked familiar. Probably because they all looked the. Exact. Same.

I would've died if pure luck didn't save me. Finally, on my fourth route or so, I spotted the same caved in entrance. Now I knew where I was, and that I was near.

Left, right, right, weird curvy thingie, turn left, right, here! I noticed a set of ropes, and there he was. I ran over to him, not because I missed him or anything, but because I was just about.. 100% sure that I would be buried in approximately... a minute. And that was being generous.

I yanked on the ropes, straining my last bit of energy.

"What are you doing?" Theo hissed at me.

"Trying... To... Save... You! Now be quiet, will you?" I retorted. The ropes didn't budge, so I pulled tighter, and they loosened just a smidget. It was good enough, though, since now Theo could just pull out his wand from his pocket (terrible security, Mr. Nott) and say different or something.

After he was completely free, a huge boulder came crashing down, along with a lot of sharp-looking stalactites.

"RUN!" I shrieked, and I ran for my life the second time that day. But could I run fast enough? I sprinted as fast as I could, panting for breath.

I could see Theo running, too, but also spotted a rock heading his way.

"WATCH OUT!" I screamed, and dove into his direction.

I squeezed my eyes shut and yelled as the ginormous piece rock pinned my leg onto the ground.

Then everything went black.

A/N: You probably hate it when you're left on a cliffhanger like that, and me too! So I'll continue it! :)

I blinked. Then again. Then took a deep breath. Then another.

"You're awake!" a concerned voice smiled.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"Don't you remember? A rock pinned you down! I don't exactly know the details, but luckily Mr. Nott over here pulled it off before the injury could get serious! So you have him to thank for that. But you still have a minor sprain, and- really deep cuts in your skin for some reason! I don't know what you're doing to make you so injured! Whatever it is, don't do it again, okay? It's clearly not going to end well." A doctor peered over me.

Memories came flooding back to me. "How... long have I been out for?"

"Just a few hours, don't worry. Now, you have visitors too, so you can talk to them for a bit. I'll be back soon!" She left, and opened a door.

The first people I saw were Leah and Carina. "Diana!" Carina yelled, engulfing me into a hug. "What happened? What were you doing? Leah said that you never sent her any pictures or anything!"

Leah nodded worriedly.

"Lots of stuff. But I'm fine, now, so you don't have to worry about it!" I smiled tightly.

"Nonsense! You were in some mysterious cave with THEO! Come on, what happened?"

"Let me just rest..." I groaned.

"Hmph. Fine, we'll leave you two to talk," she pointed towards Theo.

As soon as she left, Theo marched up to me. "Why?" he asked, then repeated himself. "Why would you come and... save me, from the cave, from the rock, why?"

I struggled for the right words. "B-because even if you're really annoying and rude at times," I started, and he huffed.

"-I still care about you, in a way! A-and I couldn't just leave you there to die, what kind of person would be if I left you after I knew where you-" I was interrupted, and he kissed me.

NOW I'LL LEAVE YOU! MWAHAHA I'm so evil, I know. 😈 Next chapter will you know, go where it's left off, then I have some interesting plans after that. You'll have to wait and see, though. See if you can guess how the ending's gonna turn out!

I also mentioned this previously in my conversations, but if you don't look there, then last chapter I made a mistake... I don't think it's possible to do blasting spells wandless. So, if you noticed, then I'm just saying that all comments regarding this topic will not get replied to, so sorry if you were waiting for one!

And NOW for the thank you's! There's a whole lot of them!

TYYYY to..




















TYSM to ALL of you! 


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