70| You Have A What?

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After racing to PE class, (which was totally not fair since we had to exercise when it was still early) I was breathless before class even started.

Coach Baloney was already standing in the center of the field, looking stern.

"Good morning everyone. I'll be giving attendance now."

"..Diana Evans?"


A while passed. "Theodore Nott?"


I couldn't believe that I hadn't realized that he was gone.

"Theodore Nott? Are you here?" Coach Baloney's eyes scanned the crowd/

She turned to us once again. "Have any of you seen Theodore Nott today?"

Everyone remained quiet.

"That's strange.. Please wait here, I'll go check if he left a note or anything." she went into the building.

A few minutes later, she returned, looking confused. "He didn't leave anything to show that he was unavailable."

"He never does that," spoke up a voice that I recognized to be Malfoy.

"His parents?"

"His mother's dead and his dad is.. Um, occupied."

She turned pale. "The poor boy.."

"He wouldn't appreciate you calling him that,"

"Be quiet! Well, he couldn't have just vanished. The school will find him in no time, I'm sure, everyone please return to the dorms, you're friend's if you don't have one."

Carina, who I hadn't realized had been there, took me to her dorm, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco and Blaise walking together, neither of them looking like they were enjoying it.

Once we reached the room, I sat down on a convenient chair right where I wanted it to be.

"So.. where do you think he is?" she attempted to strike up a conversation.

"I don't know, he's probably just decided to go to Starbucks or something. He seems like the type to skip school," I shrugged, opening a drawer. "What's in here?" I asked pointedly, mainly because I heard a strange sound.

"NO! Don't touch that! It's- erm, a.."

I looked at her.

"It's a family heirloom!"

"Ooh! Can I see it?"

"No! It.. uh, gives bad luck to people who aren't part of the family!"

"Ahh.. I guess I looked at it a lot in my previous life or something then. And that sound?"

"It's a squeaky toy too!"

"I don't even want to know."

She turned red. "J-just don't ask again, okay?"

I gave her a suspicious look and was about to agree when she suddenly bursted out, "Okay, fine! It's a kitten?" she squeaked out.

"A what?" I demanded.

"Sorry, okay? I was out for a walk when I heard a little meow, so I went to check what it was and found her! She was so cute, I couldn't resist! See?" she pulled out a small calico kitten who let out a small purr.

"What? What if it belonged to someone?"

"Isn't she so cute though?"

"Don't tell me you name it Rainbow," I muttered.

"She! This kitten is a she, and I.."

"Oh my-!"

"I named her Slither!"



"She's not a snake, Cari!"

"Yes, but she's so sneaky! She's even gotten to my rainbow button collection- eep! I wasn't supposed to say that,"

Too worked up to even question that, I let out a short huff. "Do you have her checked or anything? I don't even know if cats are allowed here!"

"They're not," said a voice that was most definitely was not Carina's.

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