66| Why Do I Have To Eat The Olives?

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"THAT WAS SO FUN! Can we go again? Please?" Carina cheered.

"L-lemme sit down for a bit," I gasped breathlessly.

"Aw, please?"

"I'm out. You two go,"

"Your loss,"

"I think I'll sit down too," laughed Leah nervously.

"What? You're gonna leave me all alone?"

"Just go. I think I've discovered a new fear, the fear of Carina when she's high"

Carina frowned but didn't say anything and just shrugged before walking away.

"I...think we hurt her feelings," I said nervously.

Leah shrugged. "Whatever. Where are 'the boys'?".

"I don't knowwwwwwwwwwww", I groaned. "I think they got arrested though"

"I- okay I don't even wanna know...actually. WHO AM I KIDDING TELL ME EVERYTHING!"

"Geez, shhhhh", I said, my face turning red from all the people glancing at us.

"What are you looking at?" I hissed, glaring at all of them in turn until they went away. Yay!

"Fine, I'll tell you," I sighed after the last person went out of sight.


"So, basically.. "

"That all happened.. In a span of a few HOURS?" she gaped at the end.

"Yup," I muttered dryly.

"Well, you've had quite the day. Meanwhile, I've been murdering some cotton candy, I LOVE cotton candy, drank a smoothie, almost threw up because of the smoothie, way too sweet, then went on that roller coaster, moaned for a bit, rode some bumper cars, I'm a bit embarrassed about that part, did I mention ride that roller coaster? Then you came and we.. rode on the roller coaster again."

"You've had an interesting day. Mine's more interesting, though!"


"You admitted it yourself."

"Ugh. What time is it?"

"11:42. Oh, look! A missed text message from Carina."

"What does it say?" Leah peered at my phone.

"She's waiting at.. Pizza Palace? Guess we're eating lunch."

"Okay! Where's that though?"

"Um.. next to the roller coaster that we just went on."

"So not too far. 'K, let's go."


Pizza Palace actually looked like a palace, so I was surprised that I didn't see it before. It was decorated with fake pizza that looked weirdly real, and the tip of the 'palace' had a tiny pizza slice.

I went in, and was greeted by the smell of.. You guessed it, pizza. The menu was filled with things from plain cheese to a complete set of everything.

"Hi!" Carina yelled excitedly. When we rushed over, she started talking again. "Pizza Palace is literally SO awesome, it has EVERYTHING, in different shapes and sizes! You can even get a bicycle shaped one!"

"Is that even possible?" I laughed nervously.

"Of course! Look!" she pointed to a table next to us, which truly was, being served pizza shaped as a bicycle.

"That's.. Cool."

"I know, right! I already ordered. You like cheese, right?" she looked at me.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Yes! I knew I guessed right. And Leah likes olives on hers! I don't get why you do, but.." she shrugged.

"No, I hate olives," Leah raised her eyebrow.

"Oh no! Does anyone like olives? 'Cause I don't."

"I don't either," I said.

"This is a disaster! Who's gonna eat the olives? AH-HA! I know! 3.. 2.. 1.."


"Not it!" she yelled.

"Not it..?" Leah said unsurely.

"Oof! Diana, you didn't say 'not it'! You're eating the olives," Carina said matter-of-factly.



"How do I eat 2 pizzas?"

"I don't know, just please do it! No one likes olives," Carina begged me.


"Yes! Now everyone's happy,"

"How about my pizza?" Leah spoke up.

"Oh.. um, I'll order another one! Sausages?"

"You know what? I'll order,"



"So.. what do you want to do next?" asked Leah, sitting down.

"Oh, I don't know.." I replied unsurely.

"You're going skiing with Carina, right? Do you know how to ski?"


"Oh my gosh. Good luck then, I guess?"


"Don't worry too much about it, though! Kristen probably doesn't know how to either."

"I'm not in the mood to be compared to her right now."

"Cheer up! The exchange students probably don't either, it's weird that way. Like once I asked Ginny if she could get me a pencil, and she asked me what a pencil was. OH NO- DID I FORGET THEM?"

"No, they're with Mary," Carina shrugged, munching on her pizza.

"Good," Leah sighed in relief.

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