28| I'm SO Excited! (NOT)

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Lights blinded my eyes as music blared, people dancing and talking, getting drunk..

I breathed in, and grinned.

"Care to join me for a dance?" Blaise asked, reaching his hand out. (If you're wondering why Blaise is acting so nice suddenly, I TRULY have no idea)

"S-sure." I stuttered as Carina giggled behind me.

"You look nice," he noted.

"Thanks." I felt a blush creeping to my cheeks, and tried to not let the pinkish tint show.

"This song is nice."

"What's it called?" he asked.


Cross my heart and hope to die,

I don't need another guy,

To fight my battles,

To overshadow me.

Don't you know I'm dangerous,

Fire burning in my blood,

I got this handled,

I don't need rescuing.

You can call me a princess all you like,

'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side,

But it ain't, what I want, I'mma show you,

I'mma show you,

How to treat me like a queen!

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Boy, you better bow down on your knees,

Can I get a yes Your Majesty,

So treat me like a queen!

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Eyes on me like I'm a prize,

But you'd better recognize,

I'm not your angel,

'Cause I belong to me.

"Not bad," Blaise said as he listened to the song.

I glanced behind me in the distance to see Nott snogging Kristen, winced, and turned back.

I wondered to myself why I was so bothered by it, but I pushed the thought out of mind.

It was a welcome party. I was supposed to be having fun.

"Excuse me," I said, and stepped off of the dance floor.


I saw Carina leaning against the refreshments table.

"Where's Leah?" I asked, taking a sip of punch.

"Having the time of her life," sighed Carina breathlessly.

I spotted her on the dance floor, laughing.

"You should dance too," I suggested.

"Meh. Not in the mood."

"It's a party! If you're not in the mood now, when will you be in the mood?"


"Just try it."

"Only if you dance too."

"Well I've still got the TINY little issue that Nott and Malfoy were literally on my roof, SMOKING, LITTERING, THROWING ROCKS ON OTHER CARS, FALLING ONTO SOME CARS, AND THAT I could get ARRESTED if I don't pay the money by next week. And I have to pay for their HOSPITAL BILLS, PLUS my driver's license was taken away for 2 WHOLE YEARS and I might get expelled. I don't have time for dancing."

"Yeah, I almost forgot how serious your condition is right now."

AN: I forgot to explain all of that in previous chapters, so yeah...

"Go have fun." I grumbled, and she shrugged, then walked away.

"This is the worst party ever." I moaned.

Muggle Trouble -Theodore Nott-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum