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My jaw dropped, dangling freely for at least a good two minutes. I squinted at the page, but it stayed familiar and terrifying.

However, there were also some other things about the picture. He was holding a.. Stick? And light was coming out of it.

It reminded me strangely of something. I froze, then unfroze to grab my backpack. I pulled out the book, Half Dark, and stared at the cover. It was still the woman, holding a stick! With light! That didn't mean that the book was true, did it? Then, I flipped to another page.

Bellatrix Lestrange

The picture was almost identical. Thoughts came to me. Cleo, Theo! Why hadn't I realized that earlier? Maco Dralfoy? Draco Malfoy! Then Azkaban. It was a prison, after all, then!

I read the passage in the Death Eater book slowly.

Imprisoned to Azkaban for the torture of Alice and Frank Longbottom

Torture! So they were using torture? And they were a 'little' violent? I opened another book.

The Killing Curse: One of the Unforgivables, along with Crucio and Imperio. The incantation is 'Avada Kedavra'. It releases a strong, green light, and kills the victim instantly. Use of this curse lands you in Azkaban immediately.

I started to connect the dots. What had Blaise said? They produce light. Those sticks weren't sticks. They were wands! And blood types? All those books had the information.

The Wizarding World is perhaps thought of as divided into three main types of wizards/witches:

A Pureblood: A witch or wizard that was born from a fully pure family, no half-bloods or muggleborns in their bloodline

Some purebloods think that their type is more superior than the others. Lord Voldemort agreed with this belief, creating his own group called Death Eaters. They aimed to torture or kill all muggleborns and muggles (non-magical folk) so they would be in a full pureblood universe

A Half-Blood: A witch or wizard that was born from a half pure family. Their parents were either both half-bloods, one was pureblood, one was muggleborn, or one was half-blood, and one was muggleborn.

A Muggleborn: A witch or wizard that was born from a fully muggle (non-magical folk) family, and were blessed with the gift of magic.

Often called mudbloods by 'superior' purebloods, a mudblood is a foul name and it's highly offensive to say the word.

Others include squibs and blood-traitors.

Squibs: Those who are born from a magical family, but fail to produce any magic.

Blood-traitors: Purebloods who are against pureblood beliefs, and support muggleborns and muggles.

Then I came to the topic of that bank robber. I went to the conclusion that it wasn't a gun, it was a wand! And Nott had fired at him! The loud noise was probably the after effects of a spell or something..

Each book had more information than the rest. I spent the entire afternoon in the room, and soon, learned a lot of new things.



"Oh, Diana! You've been in that dormitory for so long! Have you found any clues?" Leah asked.

"Er.. yeah," I mumbled, scrambling through the pile.

"Cool! What are they? Can I come over and see them?"

"NO! Um, sorry, no, I can send you a pic instead, wouldn't wanna disturb you," I laughed lightly.

"Really? Well, in that case, I expect a picture soon," she told me, and hung up.

I sighed in relief after the call, then cleared my throat. Now it was time to find some clues.

Anything suspicious in the room? I dug through the books, quills, (for some odd reason), and found a piece of scratched parchment.

What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?

I rolled my eyes at the riddle. I'd seen it before. It was a river, definitely. So was he near a river? In it? I just discovered a magical world, everything was possible. But which river? Another note answered that question for me.

14/H/E/15/1/M/C 22/R/5/9/R

After some decoding, I finally finished the puzzle. It was..

I'll leave it on there for you to solve! (The slashes mean nothing, they do not indicate spaces or anything) These codes are fairly simple, and one isn't technically a code. I'll give you a hint: It is a river, but you have to unscramble it after you finish figuring out the numbers. You'll probably guess it, but don't feel bad if you don't!

Btw, I wrote the info myself. Sorry if it's not accurate!


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