40| Cat Costumes

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Also: I got an editor!!!! woohoo. (my sister theeyz ) and she'll be editing and fixing up my plot holes (which you've no doubt noticed I had a lot of) 

If the chapters been edited already, she'll write something before the actual chapter to let you guys know! Now enjoy!!!

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I didn't have time to wonder since that afternoon, I had to go to the mall. Again.

The exchange students weren't very pleased when I said that we were going shopping again.

"Just come on." I pleaded.

"You're car stinks," complained Nott.

"You're riding Leah's." I said.

"Who's Leah?"

"My friend..?"

"You have friends?" Draco asked incredulously.

"You don't have to," I shrugged.

They both glared at me.

"On second thought you don't NEED to go." I thought.

"We're going," Nott decided, and I almost rolled my eyes.


"SHE'S driving us?" asked Malfoy distastefully.

"Yes..?" Leah muttered.


"Just get in. I don't have all day,"

"Thank you so much for-", Diana started. 

"It's fine. Thank me later when they do something bad," she waved me off.

"Okay" I said unsurely and walked over to Carina who would be driving me, since her car only fit 2. 

"You're here!"

"yeah yeah, lets' go"

"Get it then dummy!"

Inside the car was red.

"Nice color choice" I said.


She got the engine started, and less than 15 minutes later, we arrived.

"Is Leah here yet?" I asked, getting out.

"Uh.. yes!"

We found her waiting in the parking lot. "Now we're ready!" cried Carina, and we walked in.

First, we went into 'Costumes Ablaze' and found several costumes of different colors and shapes. "This princess one's really cute!" said Carina, pulling down a shimmery purple one.

"Yeah, your little sister would love it!" Leah agreed.

"Okay then.. I'll buy it, I guess."

"OK! Now for our costumes! Are they gonna get anything?" asked Carina, pointing at the exchange students.

"I already have a costume," said Malfoy stiffly.

"Ooh, really? Can we see it? PLEASE??" Carina begged.

He ignored her.

"Well, anyways, we all still need costumes, so just wait here! Ooh, Diana!"


"Look at this really cute cat costume!"

"Do I have to?" I groaned.

"Come on, just try it!" she stuffed the clothes into my hands and ushered me into the changing room.

Muggle Trouble -Theodore Nott-Where stories live. Discover now