“Ohhh, so we don’t think before we act, is that it?” The king asked while leaning down closer. “Is that why we are at,” standing straight Arthur glanced around, “what is the count again five, seven? Oh! No, it’s eight.”


“You’re getting better,” Lancelot added as he came over to help Arthur pull him upright. “We just know what to expect now so it doesn’t seem like you’re making progress but you are.”

“I can’t knock you all over, that is the point is it not?” Merlin asked in exasperation. 

“Yeah, but Rome wasn’t built in a day either,” Lancelot mused.

“What is it that you are trying to do, exactly?” Arthur queried as they walked over to the other knights.

“I’m trying to channel my magic to go out in all directions. Clearly, it’s not working very well.”

“Wait, I’ve seen you do that before!” Gwaine piped up. “That time last year when you lost your shit and made a clearing in the woods.”

Merlin did remember the incident in question but he’d also passed out after he’d done the deed. Something about too much adrenaline and thinking Arthur was dead had made him go a little wonky. “I --.”

“He fainted after that if I recall correctly,” Leon interjected with a frown. “There is no need to repeat that unless you don’t think you’ve got the power to do this kind of thing unless you go absolutely crazy.”

“I didn’t go crazy,” Merlin sighed. “I just went um --.”

“Feral?” Gwaine offered unhelpfully. “Mate you went bat shit nuts, we just need to figure out how to get you to do that again without fainting as Leon said.”

“So you have the power? It’s just how you unlock it, right?” Lancelot checked thoughtfully.

“If you all are expecting me to meditate out here then forget it. I don’t want to do this anymore today.” Without another word he turned and stalked towards their gear on the edge of the tree line. It was a short walk back to Camelot and one he was going to enjoy alone. Being reminded of his shortcomings was not something Merlin liked to experience.

“Hey! Wait you can’t give up just like that!” Arthur yelled as he ran up behind him. “We honestly want to help you.”

Merlin was ready to throw an insult at his king but Arthur looked sincere. “I’m not giving up; I need more time to research how to do this better. I’ve spent too many years hiding that – I – I don’t – what if I can’t do it again.”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” Arthur actually cracked a small smile at that. “In all the years I’ve known you, when has something being impossible ever stopped you before.”

Unable to stop the smirk from reaching his lips Merlin sighed heavily. “Fine, one more time, but that’s it!”

Curse his stupid magic; it was happy when Arthur was happy. The ninth try resulted in Gwaine, Percival, and Lancelot being thrown back. The thing that gave Merlin the slightest bit of hope was the fact that they weren’t next to each other.  This meant being goaded into trying one more time was a little easier.

Merthur One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now