Morgana watched as Arthur pinned Merlin down to the ground, his hands holding Merlin’s wrist over his head as he straddled him. Both out of breath as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Morgana threw up her hands in frustration. “That’s it! I can’t take this anymore! They are both too stupid to do this by themselves. We are going to have to help them.”

Leon frowned. “Absolutely not. They’ll act on their feelings when they are ready.”

They all ignored him, everyone started talking aloud of possible ways to get the two lovesick fools together.

Eyes twinkling mischievously Gwaine said, “Why don’t we make this interesting. The losers have to pay the winner five coins each.”

“And gets bragging rights,” Lancelot added.

Morgana smirked. “Obviously.”

They all looked back as they heard Arthur swear loudly.

Arthur was suddenly yanked off Merlin by a magical force and knocked onto his back. Merlin quickly jumping up, grinned wide and bright as he offered Arthur a hand. The king scoffed but took it.

The two chuckled as they walked towards the others. Side by side, their shoulders brushing each other as their eyes were focused only on each other.

After an utterly ridiculous amount of time, Merlin finally tore his eyes away from the king and looked over to where the knights were.

Morgana waved with a pointed smile. She watched in glee as Merlin’s face went white and he swore.

“May the best woman win,” she said, breezing past the knights ready to give Merlin a piece of her mind for forgetting their meeting. They all rolled their eyes.

They drew sticks to decide who would go first.

Elyan wasn’t sure if going first was good or bad. He quickly shrugged it off; after all, he had a great plan.

Elyan went down to the market and bought six of the most beautiful roses he could find, one for each year Arthur and Merlin had known each other. He then carefully wrote a note while using a report Arthur had written as a reference for the king’s handwriting to declare Arthur’s undying love for Merlin.

He dropped the bouquet in Merlin’s room right on his workstation while he was helping Gaius with patients.

He then left, patting himself on the back and eager to see what Merlin would say to Arthur.

If he had known what he had just done he would have run for the hills instead.

They were having a meeting of the round table when suddenly the doors to the throne room burst open with a furious Merlin thundered in. His face had red patches all over it.


Arthur sighed and drawled, “Nothing is wrong with me, Merlin. I think the better question is why are you late for an important council meeting?” He then squinted at him and frowned. “What’s wrong with your face?”

Merlin threw his head back and let out a sharp bitter laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry, I was busy nearly dying from the roses you left me!”

Merthur One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now