Let Me Hold You Close (Please Don't Let Me Go)

Start from the beginning

Arthur was dragged out of his thoughts by Merlin snapping his fingers in front of his face. “Are you sure you’re okay yourself? You haven’t eaten anything yet.”

Arthur shook his head to clear his thoughts and started with his breakfast. After a few bites, he gave up and decided he couldn’t eat anything that morning. He got up and Merlin followed him down the corridors without a word. When they stepped out on the balcony, there was already a crowd gathered around a big pyre in the middle of the square.

Arthur went to stand next to his father, who was just asking for silence from the people. The king give him a tiny nod to acknowledge him, but nothing more. Arthur secretly wished he didn’t even do that; it would certainly make it easier for him to distance himself from this. Uther addressed the crowd, distracting Arthur from his thoughts again.

“People of Camelot! We are here today to witness justice. This woman is guilty of practicing sorcery, and will therefore be burned at the stake. Let her death set an example for those of you who need the reminder. Sorcery and the practice of any kind of magic is against the law, and those who do not follow that law, will be punished.” Uther lowered a hand and three men with torches approached the pyre. The woman tied in the middle screamed when the flames started licking at the wood beneath her feet.

As the flames reached her and the smell of burning flesh started filling the air, Arthur heard a second voice join the screams of the burning woman. It was a girl’s voice, and Arthur searched the crowd with dread filling his gut. And sure enough, there she was; a child, no older than eight, struggling against the hold of an elder woman trying to keep her from running towards the burning pyre. He had to use all of his restraint to keep himself from jumping off the balcony and putting out the flames himself. Behind him, he heard a small gasp.

Without turning around, he recognized it as coming from Merlin. He clenched his wrists as he shut his eyes. He couldn’t turn around, not if he didn’t want to attract Uther’s attention to himself. Or worse, to Merlin. Right at the moment he couldn’t take it any longer and went to turn around, he heard Merlin leave. His footsteps retreated quickly and Arthur glanced over at his father. The king had his eyes on the screaming woman, but Arthur could read in his body language that Uther was fully aware of all that was happening next to him on the balcony. The prince pressed his finger nails deeper in the palms of his hands and kept himself from running after the warlock.

Much, much later, Uther turned around and stepped away from the balcony. Arthur hurried to follow him and after the usual talk of cleansing the kingdom and having done justice, he stalked down the corridors towards his chambers. He threw the doors open loudly, but when he caught sight of the shivering form on his bed, he immediately calmed down. He crossed the room and sank down on the bed, next to Merlin.

“Come here. Come on, it’s alright. Don’t…” His voice died away, until he was muttering nonsense. Merlin clung to him, shivering and crying. It didn’t look like he was able to calm down on his own, so Arthur pulled away a little. He shifted on the bed until he was sitting with his back against the headboard, Merlin next to him. The warlock’s head was on Arthur’s chest and Arthur held him in place with his arms wrapped around him. He bent down so his mouth was close to Merlin’s ear.

“Breathe, cariad,” he whispered, focusing on keeping his own breathing steady and clear so Merlin could follow him. “In and out. In and out. Come on, follow my breathing. Listen to my heart. In and out. In and out. Come on.”

Merlin followed his breaths and calmed down slowly. His tears left a wet spot on Arthur’s tunic, making it cling to his chest, but Arthur ignored the feeling. After several minutes, Merlin sat up a little, but allowed Arthur to keep his arms around him. He placed his head on Arthur’s shoulder and sighed deeply, a few stray tears still running down his cheeks.

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