“I need to tell you something that you probably don't want to hear. It may change things between us forever, but it's important to me and I'm tired of hiding it.”

The room fell silent, or rather, Arthur's hearing grew muffled. Merlin kept talking, but Arthur couldn't hear the words, probably because his mind was trying to cushion him from the news he already guessed. 

The longer Merlin talked, the more difficult it became to bear.  

Merlin's lips (his beautiful, gorgeous lips that Arthur would never get to kiss) were still moving, likely relaying all the reasons why Merlin and Gwaine were a good fit. Arthur wanted to support Merlin, not burst into tears in front of him. He needed to wrap this up.

“It's fine.”

“Really?” Merlin sounded almost shocked.

“Yes, yes. It's totally fine. I’m happy for you.”

“You're sure?” Merlin was starting to take on the tone Gaius had used with Gwaine the time he'd been kicked in the head by a goat.

“Absolutely certain, Merlin. It's the best news I've heard all day.” It was a lie, but Arthur didn't care if it made Merlin feel better.

“The best news you've…? Were you even listening? Because I just said there's a good chance that I committed light treason and…”

Treason? Did that mean Merlin already knew how Arthur felt about him? Why would that be treason? Did Merlin believe Arthur was as self-centered and controlling as his father had been?

“Merlin, no. It’s not treason. Not at all. It might be…” Arthur struggled to find a way to say unpleasant without using that word. He’d be damned if he was going to rain on Merlin’s newfound happiness.

“Highly illegal?” Merlin suggested.

“No! At least, it shouldn’t be.” What had his father added to the law codes? Never mind. Knowing Uther, it had to be bad. It was up to Arthur to make it right. “I hereby rescind all laws that made you feel afraid to confide in me.”

“You… all of them?” There was something in Merlin’s face that Arthur couldn’t quite read, but it was clear he’d done the right thing.

“Every last one.”

“Then,” Merlin said, his voice cracking, “I suppose I should do something about the fire.”

Instantly, the dying embers reignited, the cold dreariness evaporating as the flames danced in the hearth.

“Merlin,” Arthur heard himself say, “you have magic.”

“Right. That’s what I was telling you.”


“Just now. Remember? Sweet Triple Goddess, please don’t tell me you thought I was talking about something else because…”

“So you’re not in love with Gwaine?”

“No. Of course not. I mean, Gwaine is one of my best friends…”

“Your very best friend,” a voice called from the hallway, “who is also incredibly good-looking. I see why Arthur asked that – he has good taste. But I’m also your friend who’s not afraid to come in there and kick the king’s ass if he’s about to…”

“Hush, Gwaine. I’ll let you know if I need you.” Merlin’s eyes turned to Arthur’s. “He’s been helping me figure out how to tell you. Were you seriously not listening?”

“I, um, might have been a bit distracted.”

“By what?”

“Your lips?” Arthur cringed as the words slipped out, though he couldn’t help but notice Merlin’s eyes darting to his mouth as he said them.

“And my magic…?”

“Is fine. More than fine, actually. Amazing, if I’m being honest. I stand by what I said regarding the laws and I want you to tell me all about it.” Merlin gave him a look. “I swear I’ll listen this time.”

“Fine,” Merlin said, “I guess I can be persuaded, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You have to tell me why my lips were distracting you.”

“Why your lips were… oh. You mean…” Arthur said, his mind connecting Merlin’s words with his shy smile, the one that was making Arthur’s stomach drop. “I can do that, tell you, I mean. Or, if you’d like, I can show you.”

Merlin’s eyes went wide and he swallowed hard, then nodded. Arthur was about to make his move when a cough from the hallway caused him to freeze.

“See you tomorrow, Gwaine,” Merlin called.

“You’re sure?”

“It’s fine.” With a wave of his hand, he magicked the door shut. “Now, Arthur, I think you said there was something you wanted to show me.”

And with that invitation, Arthur did.

By tehfanglyfish on ao3

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