"Hey Minnie, Dumbledore can I speak to the two of you for a minute please?" They both looked at each other and shared a knowing glance. They went out of the great hall and went to Minnie's office since it was closest.
"So James?" Dumbledore asked.
"This is hard to say, um basically you know I love Lily so much and Lily loves me as well, I think and hope-" 
"I know she does James." McGonogall said.
"Um I was wondering if I could propose to her before dinner today." he said as calmly as he could. 
"Proposal, wow you sure James?" McGonogall asked, "Not that it's a bad thing, if you are ready then go ahead."
"Yes, I think I'm ready and I hope she is too." James said.
"Well then James, there is nothing I can say to stop you." Dumbledore said, "although I can stop you Professor McGonogall!" he said smirking, having seen McGonogall leaving the room.
"You see James, your wonderful 'Minnie' was trying to leave without giving me a few galleons, she owns me." Dumbledore added.
"Why?" James asked.
"Well your professor and I made a little bet you see, I thought you two would be engaged before you leave Hogwarts while she thought, you'd get engaged after. Guess I won." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.
"You betted on my relationship!" James asked shocked, "who am I kidding, this is Hogwarts, it's crazy!" he said before walking out.
Reluctantly, McGonogall handed over 12 galleons to Dumbledore. "Thank you!" he said before exiting his office. 

She looked at the clock on her wall and saw the time read, 10.30. She had 1 and a half hours before she had to begin the graduation ceremony. Although she wouldn't admit it, she would miss this year. The 'marauders' as they called themselves and their pranks, the love-hate relationship James and Lily used to have. The amount of love they have for each other now, their quidditch teams. The nickname they made for her , 'Minnie'. She'll miss James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Clara and Alice the most though. SHe knows she shouldn't be biased but it's difficult. Honestly, this year's class have been the best, with their bubbly, competetive personalities. It's going to be hard seeing them go, after knowing them for 7 years. They'll do great in their lives, they have the capability of achieving amazing things.

---------------12:00 pm----------------

"All seventh years, please can you come outside." McGonogall says and makes her way outside, The seventh-years were met with a surprise, as they saw their parents sitting outside on chairs. 
"What you guys didn't think we'd let your parents miss your graduation did you?" Dumbledore chuckles. The seventh years were running off to hug their parents. James had already spotted his parents but he looked at Lily, whose head was hanging down.
"Come one Lils." he said, holding out his hand. He took her to meet his parents, they chatted for a bit before they heard, "Head Boy, Head Girl, can I please see you." Professor McGonogall shouts over the loud noise.
"Ok Mum, Dad I'll see you later." he said and went up to Professor McGonogall.

"Ok, you're Head Boy and Head Girl and as you already know you have to make a speech after each of the students have had their graduation certificates-"
"Hold up, what!" James asked.
"Mr Potter, I had already warned you in our previous meeting." McGonogall says sternly.
"Oh shoot! I completely forgot!" 
"James!" Lily half-scolded.
"My goodness, what are we going to do with you!" McGonogall chuckles, shaking her head, "Well Mr Potter, you'll have to make it up on the spot or so, Miss Evans, have you got yours?" Lily nodded, "Ok great, we will be starting soon. The graduation will go in Alphabetical order, but after you are done, Miss Evans and Mr Potter could you please stand behind the stage, so you are ready to give your speeches. First Miss Evans will go." she said before walking up on the stage.

"James did you honestly forget or did you not do it." Lily asked.
"I honestly forgot I swear!" He said.

"Oh no! He forgot the big speech. The exact thing he needed, to humiliate himself infront of everyone." thy heard. James and Lily turned around and saw Snae and his gang, smirking in their direction.
"Before you say anything about anyone else, you should look at yourself. Who wouldn't be humiliated with that grease all over them Snivellus." Lily said and walked off to sit in her seat.
"That's my girl!" James added, knowing it would trigger Snape
"What needed a girl to stand up for you, Pottah?" Snape smirked, trying to hide his anger.
"Mind you, I wouldn't say that infront of Lily, she could be just as dangerous as she is pretty and actually if you hadn't realised already Lily stood up for me because she wanted to and that doesn't make me any weaker. It makes me stronger. Anyways, I have better things to be doing, so toodles!" he said before skipping away.

As James sat down on the chair next to his friends, Remus asked him, "What was that all about?"
"Oh nothing, just an encounter with Snivellus, he thought that having Lily stand up for me makes me weaker. But that's not even the bad bit! I forgot to write a speech for the Head Boy speech thing!" James exclaimed.
"Or did you?" Remus asked smirking, holding a piece of paper, " I figured you'd forget it or what you wrote would make no sense, so I decided to write one for you." 
"Moony! You're a lifesaver!" James says. They continues talking and James reads through Moony's speech, he finds there is something missing so he quickly grabs a quill and scribbles something on. 

"Amber Anderson!" McGonogall says first and the timid girl, slowly climbs up the stairs and gets her certificate. The line goes on and James doesn't pay much attention before hearing the name
"Sirius Black!" he started whisling and screaming ,"Go Sirius!" with Remus. The line continued and they all did the same things when McGonogall called, "Lily Evans", "Alice Fortescue", "Remus Lupin", Marlene McKinnon", "Clara Nightingale", "Peter Pettigrew" (who was shocked he graduated, it means he must have passed his exams , and "James Potter". 

After graduation and meeting their parents, the eight met up and decided to open their cards at the same time.
"3...2...1..." They all opened the envelopes which revealed their scores for their NEWTs.

"Lils, what did you get?" 
"All O's!" she screamed, excitedly.

" All O's but 2 E's"

"All O's!" he said.

" 5 O's, 3 E's"

"6 O's, 2E's"

"5 O's, 3 E's?"

"4 O's, 4 E's"

" 6 A's and 2 P's"
"That's not bad is it?"
"No Peter it's not!

"This is the best day ever!" Lily screamed.
"Yes it is." James added and kissed Lily.

Little did she know it was just going to get better.


Outstanding [O]

Exceeds Expectations [E]

Acceptable [A]


Poor [P] (may possibly repeat)

Dreadful [D]

Troll [T] (fail with distinction)



1870 WORDS!



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