Panic Attack

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"Good Girl," he says, touching my cheek. He pins me against the wall and slams himself onto me. He presses his lips onto mine and squeezes my waist, making me moan. (NO SMUT) And you know what happens next.

"Tell anyone and you'll be dead," he says threateningly, and kisses my cheek. "O-okay," I answer. He dresses himself and leaves, leaving me naked, and terrified. I quickly put on my clothes and see that it has been 30 minutes, and Austin was probably waiting for me.

I limp my way to the cotton candy booth and see Austin standing there. "Hey," he says, seeing me. "Hi," I reply. "I went on two epic rides, you?" he asks. I remember what HE did and see a panic attack coming.

My breaths quicken, my body shakes, tears brim my eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks, worried. I shake vigorously meaning no. "Why!" he says. I fall down pulling my knees into my chest. Not knowing what to do, he picks me up.

"I'll call mom," he says, and takes out his phone.


Charli (C)

Austin (A)

C- Hey

A- Mom, where are you

C- Why do you sound so worried, and we are at the tea cup ride

A- Flora is having a panic attack

C- WHAT! Where are you!

A- Cotton candy booth

C- DONT MOVE! We are coming

No One's POV:

Austin held Flora to his chest as she sobbed and said "mommy". "I know, they are coming soon," he comforted, but she kept crying and shaking. After a few minutes Dixie, Addison, Chloe, and Charlotte came.

Austin carefully passed her over to Dixie who Flora quickly latches onto. "I think we should go home, Charlotte is dead tired, Chloe is asleep and Flora's you know," Addison says, with a sleeping Chloe.

"Ya, bye," Charli says, taking her two kids. On the car ride Dixie kept trying to comfort Flora, but she kept sobbing. As soon as they got home, Addi put Chloe in her bed and Flora ran from Dixie into Addi's arms.

"Baby, what happened?" Addi asks her daughter, who couldn't be pried off Addi. "He h-had it. I s-said no," was all she could say. Addi and Dixie sit on the bed with their daughter. "Who?" Addi asks.

"G-gun, at m-me," was all Flora said. "Some one pointed a gun at you!" Dixie yells, madly (at the person who pointed the gun). "N-no shout," Flora cries, putting her hands over her ears. "Oh, I am so sorry baby," she says, feeling guilty.

"What did he and she do?" Dixie asks. "He did IT. It h-hurts," she says. "Oh," Addi and Dixie say, understanding what happened. "I WILL KILL THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" Dixie yells, making Flora cry even more.

"Dixie Jane, lower you voice!" Addi yells, not as much to make Flora cry. "Oh, I'm sorry," Dixie says. "Do you know how he looks?" Dixie asks. "M-mask," Flora says, in sobs. After 30 minutes of comfort, Flora finally stops crying, and goes to sleep on Addi's chest.

A/n: Ides? PLZ!

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