Ch. 4 - Hook In Mouth

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"Now's not the time to get
your dick wet!"

- Vincent

Chapter 4 - Hook In Mouth

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

These last few weeks had been absolutely crazy.

Dominic had given in and kissed Jade! When she told me I all but passed out. I had been so shocked but also very elated that she had gotten her birthday wish.

Unfortunately, my happiness for Jade was short-lived.

The Calvetti mafia boss had proceeded to ignore her for about a month before they had a talk in his office last night. After Jade gave me a recap of that encounter it sounded more like a heated argument than a simple talk, and I could not even begin to say which side won.

Although, in the end, Jade let Dominic know that she had a date with Cristiano, a boy from her university. She claimed that he was a nice guy, but I knew deep down that she was just doing this to make the Calvetti boss jealous, regardless of what she said.

Which lead me to my current predicament.

I don't even know how ended up tagging along with her and Blaire to shop for an outfit.

But that was what I was doing. Sitting in a chair, watching as Jade tried on different dresses, while Blaire teased Jee-min every chance she got. Even though I should have been doing something else, I begged Vincent for a few hours off to allow me to come to the mall with Jade as that was what best friends did, show support no matter what.

Glancing at my watch, I knew that I had about another hour before Vincent came to pick me up.

"I still can't believe you told Dominic that!" Blaire exclaimed.

"What? I guess I should've asked him to fuck me instead then? Of course, I said that! How could I not?" Jade answered while watching Blaire adjust the hem of the dress that she was trying on.

Laughing softly, Blaire replied, "I can just imagine the look on his face."

"Oh, you know him, he grumbled and told me about my mouth and how he should put me across his knee. Which we all know I'd have loved," she said and winked at me.

Shaking my head, I remained silent with my arms folded over my chest. I knew more than anyone just how twisted her imagination could get. The material of my suit crinkled slightly while I quietly continued to observe them.

"What's with that look, Quin? You don't approve of my tactics?" Jade asked with a pout.

"You've made it perfectly clear that you're going to do whatever you want, regardless of what I have to say. All I know is that if or when the day comes that Dominic does decide to make you his, I hope you can handle it," I answered.

"She can handle him," Blaire spoke up with a grin before continuing, "but first, we need to make sure that she looks amazing for her date with Cristiano this Friday."

Standing up, she looked over Jade's body once more.

"I think we should go for something red, try on this one," Blaire suggested as she handed Jade a dress from the rack of options.

While waiting for Jade to change, Blaire giggled as she went over to Jee-min who was standing a few feet away by the window. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing as she skipped over and playfully poked his shoulder before he would pay her any attention.

Quin's DilemmaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora