Ch. 26 - Taking Charge

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"You know how things are in
 our world, tomorrow is
never promised..."

- Dominic

Chapter 26 - Taking Charge

▪️V I N C E N T▪️

I was in Dominic's office trying my best to keep myself from smirking.

It was more than obvious that Jade had spent the night in his bedroom, but I was unsure if they had consummated their new relationship. Especially given how intoxicated she had been, I just knew that Dominic would not have wanted to engage in anything until she was fully sober.

"I guess since she was drunk you guys didn't..." I said, my words trailing.

Shaking his head, Dominic made a clicking sound with his mouth and answered, "No, though she was very insistent. I'm still undecided about tonight though, but I know that I would like to get away from the manor for a bit."

At his uncertainty, I told him not to worry and that I would put something together for him and Jade to enjoy later tonight. It was almost cute, the way he was fussing over her, worrying about how their relationship would affect her safety.

I almost scoffed at the idea, for Jade was a force to be reckoned with in her own right. But I would be lying if I did not admit that I understood the protectiveness he felt towards her.

Adjusting my cufflink, I stated, "If someone wants to harm you, they'll go after whomever they see you with, so I understand your concern about wanting to keep Jade protected. But she knows the life; I don't think she'd mind being hidden, at least for now."

"Yes, well, I can imagine it's only so much of seeing Blaire sitting openly next to O'Doherty she will be willing to take before wanting something similar in the future. I can never really understand the way her mind works. All I know is that I'm not ready to put her in danger like that," Dominic admitted.

"You know what they say, women aren't meant to be understood, they're made to be loved and I know that you'll do your best to keep her safe," I said before adding with conviction, "we all will."

Running a hand over his face, he nodded, "Damn right I'll keep her safe, I would burn the world for her."

Of course, he would.

Where Jade was concerned, Dominic was an absolute monster and I pitied the poor soul that would attempt to harm even a hair on her head. It always amazed me how he could go from zero to one hundred within the blink of an eye.

Chuckling softly, I urged, "Alright, let's not get too excited now, but don't worry about it, I'll confirm everything in a few hours."

"Fair enough, don't make me regret this..." Dominic grumbled, his mood immediately serious once more, "Alright, back to business! We need to organise when to head down to the docks to pick up the shipments. Has there been any activity from García and his men?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "No. For all intents and purposes, the Sonora Cartel have not been spotted in or near Aelbank City. I can imagine that our actions came as a bit of a shock to them, as they're not used to people standing up to them. More so having their own terror tactics used against them."

"I have no doubt García is planning something."

"Agreed, they're most likely preparing some form of retaliation, especially as you used one of their own signature moves against them. Leaving burnt bodies in barrels is something they do back in Mexico, that was a nice touch."

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