Ch. 44 - Infinity Loops

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"I thought you liked it wide open?"

- Jade

Chapter 44 - Infinity Loops

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

During the next few months, things within the Calvetti residence had returned to some semblance of normalcy.

Well, as ordinary as things could be in a house where two sadists lived.

On my twenty-fifth birthday, my position within the mafia had been solidified. It was known throughout Aelbank City as well as to the neighbouring states that I was now officially Dominic's third in command.

It was a big responsibility for me, one I was eager to show that I was ready for.

Likewise, Jade was busy trying to prove her worth as she slowly began to make a name for herself. Since recently turning twenty-three, she had spent the last few months doing odd jobs for Dominic and the other mafia bosses.

Of course, that did not mean that she did not try ever so often to get herself involved in more dangerous missions. After much nagging, over the past couple of weeks, Dominic decided to allow her to come with us today.

The Calvetti mafia was in the progress of expanding past the Aelbank City state borders. At the moment, we were all getting ready to head out to meet Giovani Bellucci. The Italian was in his early sixties and was the head of one of the more prominent mafias in the neighbouring state of Korbin City.

However, given the current scowl on Dominic's face, I could tell that he was seriously reconsidering his decision to let Jade come with us. The way his icy blue eyes darkened as he looked over her attire, I would not be surprised if he told her to stay home.

We were rummaging around in the weapons room located in the basement. It was filled with the sounds of magazines being loaded and guns being checked as we prepared ourselves to head out.

"What did I tell you about overpacking, Jade?" Dominic asked as he frowned at her.

Exhaling, she replied, "Aren't you the same one who always says that there's no such thing as overkill? How is me being overprepared any different? I swear, you can be such a hypocrite sometimes!"

"Shut your mouth!" Dominic snarled, even though from his tone it was obvious he knew she was right.

Grinning back at him, she sneered, "Why? I thought you liked it wide open?"

Jesus Christ! I thought.

The image that Jade had just verbally expressed had me violently shaking my head as I tried not to think about her and Dominic in such a position.

I stole a peek at Jee-min and he looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

Glancing at Vincent, he had the audacity to shoot me a wink, no doubt thinking about my mouth being wide open for him and I could not help but blush at the thought. However, my daydream was cut short at the sound of Jade and Dominic's raised voices.

Whenever Jade and Dominic argued, one could never tell if it would end in passionate kisses or violent outbursts. Needless to say, no one wanted to stay and be around for either.

Knowing that we had an important meeting ahead of us, I pulled myself out of my thoughts. Quickly pacing about the storage room, I grabbed four high-capacity magazines off the shelf and stuffed them into my backpack next to the MP7.

Jee-min, Vincent, and I continued to silently pack while Jade and Dominic whisper-yelled at each other.

Not before long, the sounds of them pushing against each other could be heard followed by Jade's moans and grunts from Dominic. I prayed to God that they were just making out and not going to have sex right there and then. But given the time we had left before we needed to head out, I knew that Dominic would not have let things go that far.

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