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6 Years Later

Vincent finished packing the trunk then leaned up against the car, a small smile tugging on his lips while he observed how Quintin said goodbye to Aurelio.

Even after all these years, he never grew tired of watching the love of his life.

It warmed his heart to see Quintin interact with the young child. At just two years old, it always astounded Vincent how amazing Aurelio truly was. Although, being the son of Jade and Dominic, he really should not have been surprised.

With his arms crossed over his chest, Vincent continued to admire Quintin. He noticed the way Quintin grinned at Aurelio while Jade stood next to them, her own smile wide.

The sound of someone approaching from the left caused Vincent to glance over. When he saw that it was the Calvetti mafia boss, he internally groaned before running a hand through his thick dark hair, bracing himself for the incoming taunt that they both knew was unavoidable.

"So, are you nervous?" Dominic asked with a smirk on his face.

"You know I am, don't be a dick..." Vincent protested.

Keeping his gloved hands in his pants, the pale man cackled, "Heh! We both know you live for our daily banters."

Vincent merely grunted in reply.

Moving to stand next to him, Dominic continued more seriously, "There's no reason for you to be nervous though. It's been over a year since the State passed the bill to remove the ban on same-sex marriages and I know you've been purposefully holding out wanting to try and surprise him. Which I am sure you will accomplish, especially when young Quintin thinks that it's just a business trip you two are going on."

It was a good plan.

With Vincent being Dominic's right-hand man and Quintin third in command, it was easy to disguise their upcoming trip to New York as one strictly for business.

Since the passing of the Bill in Aelbank City over a year ago, it was obvious that Quintin knew Vincent would propose one day, he just did not know how or when. It was something that Vincent had hoped to use to his advantage.

Vincent was a patient man, and he purposefully postponed the inevitable, if only to catch Quintin off guard. Even though he was sure his plan would work, a part of him could not help but worry.

Everything needed to be perfect, even if it would be a simple proposal.

The feel of Dominic's hand slapping Vincent hard on his upper back brought him out of his thoughts with a scowl.

"Stop worrying so much, everything will go as planned..." Dominic whispered before adding, "And even if it doesn't, you and I both know that Quintin will not care. Being married to you is something that he has been looking forward to for years and I'll be damned if you chicken out."

"I'm not chickening out!" Vincent hissed under his breath.

"The look on your face say otherwise..."

Frowning slightly, Vincent reiterated, "I'm not..."

"Good, because if anything goes wrong, Jade will have both our heads!" Dominic said with a sadistic chuckle.

The two men peeked up and noticed Jade staring back at them with a sweet smile on her face. However, the hidden look in her green eyes let them know that this New York trip had better go off without a hitch.

Jade was protective of her best friend Quintin and there was not one thing that she would not do to ensure his happiness.

"You'd swear she was my wife as well."

Quin's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now