10| Keep Your Friends Close

Start from the beginning

"Happy Birthday!" Hanna and Ivy said. Hanna and Mona hugged leaving Ivy to stand awkwardly beside them. "The birthday girl wants to be shopping, the second the stores open and have lunch at Rive Gauche."

"Excuse me?"

"Did I say lunch? My bad. It's dinner at the Rive Gauche. After school." She winked at Hanna.

Soon Hanna, Ivy and Mona left for school. Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Ivy were standing at the lockers talking.

"What could they have found?"

"I don't know."

Aria came over to them. "Hey, what's going on?"

"The cops are here." Ivy told her. "I heard they found something of Alison's."

A voice called over the PA "Spencer Hasting, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Ivy Marin, and Hanna Marin. Please come to the office."

The five were sitting on the couch in the office.

Ivy lifted her head up to see two people walking in. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Agent Cooper." She handed Spencer her card.

"FBI?" Spencer questioned.

"This is my partner, Agent Rendall. And we're here because the Bureau was asked by the local authorities to assist in the investigation of Alison DiLaurentis' murder. I want to show you something that was sent to the Rosewood Police Department by an anonymous source."

"The family's given me permission to show it to the four of you." She started playing a recording.

"Want to see more? I know you want to. If the girls knew I was seeing you, oh, my God, they would not stop talking about it. I wish they were more mature, but...we don't have a lot of time. I have to get back before they wake up. I know you want to kiss me." The video stopped.

"Is there anything you can tell me about what you see?"

"They're at the kissing rock. It's in the woods behind the lake." Emily said.

"I think this was taken the night Alison disappeared. She was wearing that yellow top."

"But that's not her sweater." Hanna voiced.

"Are you sure?" The Detective asked.

"Ask me what's in each of our closets and I'll give you an itemised list. I know clothes."

"I think she's talking to the older boy" Ivy admitted.

"So-called, uh, mystery boyfriend?"

"Alison didn't want us to know who he was." Spencer chimed in.

"Was he an older high school boy?"

"She only told me enough to make it a secret." Spencer continued.

"Huh. Alison liked secrets, huh?" She wondered. "She thought sharing secrets kept us close."

"They do...but secrets are made to be found out with time." Ivy looked at the others.

Ivy, Spencer and Emily were walking in the halls when they saw Mona and Hanna talking. Mona stormed away, followed by two other girls.

"What was that about?" Ivy asked.

"Um, 'A' sent Mona a text, and I think she just broke up with me."

'Why would 'A' send Mona a text.' She thought 'A'  had problems the five of them.

"'A' sent Mona a text?"

HIDDEN SECRETS - jason dilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now