Chapter 4: Never Coming Back To Richmond

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[Rose and Damon are parking the car in a underground parking lot in Richmond.]

DAMON: Back entrance. How convenient.

ROSE: That's the point. We can't all have little daylight rings.

DAMON: How do you know this Slater guy is even here?

ROSE: I called him. He's here. He's always here.

DAMON: Good.

[He pushes her against the wall at super speed.]

DAMON: Just one thing. If you're setting me up in any way, I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat. It's something I'm very good at.

[Rose grabs him and pushes him against the car at super speed, twisting his arm behind his back.]

ROSE: I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side.

[She releases him.]

ROSE: You can trust me.

[Ada then appears behind them]

ADA: Why did you want me to me you in Richmond?

DAMON: You want to know why Elijah wanted you right?

ADA: Yeah

DAMON: Well let's find out.

[They enter the coffee shop.]

DAMON: Whoa. What about the sunlight?

ROSE: Double paned and tempered. UV rays can't penetrate. You see the appeal now?

[Slater rejoins them.]

SLATER: That and the free Wi-Fi.

[She embraces him.]

ROSE: Hey, how are you?

SLATER: Good. I saw you come, what are you doing here?

ROSE: Mmm, it's a long story but I want you to meet...

SLATER: Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova. And Ada Pierce aka Adelina Petrova, Katherine's mystery daughter, how you survived is amazing.

ADA: Tell me about it.

SLATER: So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?

ROSE: Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip.

[He looks at Damon.]

SLATER: It's nice to meet you, maybe. What's going on Rose? Where's Trevor?

SLATER: And you're sure Elijah's dead?

DAMON: Beyond dead.

ADA: I killed him

SLATER: Trevor was a good man; he helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the Baroque period. I was schooling for my Psych PhD.

ROSE: Slater's been in college since '74.SLATER: When I was turned. I have 18 degrees, 3 master's and 4 PhDs.

ADA: The point?

SLATER: Exactly, I mean, what is the point? What should I be doing with my eternity? If you have an answer, please enlighten me.

ROSE: We need your help. If someone wanted to get in touch with Klaus, how would you hook him up?SLATER: Craigslist.

ADA: Really?

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