Chapter 44: You Killed Her

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A/N: I'm sorry in advance

My Dear Rebekah,

I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and ask for your advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize-- not for the blood he's shed, nor the suffering Hayley continues to endure-- and Elijah can never forgive him. Despite my efforts, we are a house divided. Which is not to say I have no good news... Niklaus kept his word-- Marcel controls the Quarter. There, he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's Church where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community. Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger... and he has much anger. Adelina has been joining him more, since Althea is still stuck in wolf form. She has been spending all of her time with little Katerina, who we have all grown to adore or Hope. Who she empathizes with knowing what it's like to lose one's mother. While Hope continues to flourish, it is clear she misses her mother. Though Niklaus remains the doting father, he has been of no help in finding a cure for Hayley's curse. Despite my best efforts, I've yet to find the means to undo the spell placed on her and the Crescent wolves, and Hayley herself continues to struggle, unable to see her child except for one night a month during the full moon. And we're in no position to ask for outside help... Davina's rage at our family has only grown. And, as Regent of all covens, she is far too formidable to be swayed. Meanwhile, Niklaus has begun to see Camille for what he calls "their little chats." He claims a desire to amend his ways. In truth, he seems utterly free of remorse... which only drives Elijah further away.I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. 

Until then, I remain your loving sister Freya.


[Freya and Adela are in one of the upstairs sitting rooms with Hope and Katerina, and the four are sitting on a spread out blanket on the floor as they play with the various toys that surround them. Elijah is standing nearby in his usual suit as he watches them]

FREYA: [about Hope and Katerina] There getting bigger by the second.

[Elijah paces back and forth beside where Freya and Adela and Hope are playing]

ELIJAH: Thank you for all of your care.

FREYA: Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help you bring Hope and Katerina to Hayley and Thea, if you'd like.

ELIJAH: That won't be necessary. 

ADELA: You deserve a night off.

[Elijah smiles and kneels on the floor to play with Hope and his granddaughter just as Klaus walks into the room to join them and jumps into their conversation unbidden. At the sound of his brother's voice, Elijah and Adela instantly scowl in anger]

KLAUS: I'd offer to accompany you myself, but I fear my fragile ego could not endure the litany of insults Hayley has no doubt prepared.

ELIJAH: [annoyed] Yes, I doubt that your presence is particularly welcome.

ADELA: Anywhere.

KLAUS: [feigns offense] My own brother and niece, greeting me with such disdain!

[He turns to Freya to discuss Elijah as though he isn't even there]

KLAUS: What do you think, Freya? Is he still angry for my part in Hayley and Thea's curse? Need I remind you two it was my ploy that kept them alive?

[Adela spins on her heel to face Klaus and continues to glare at him, and Freya stands in preparation to mediate if necessary]

ADELA: [sarcastically] Of course, forgive me. So, you would call this an act of heroism even as you bask in there torment?

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