Chapter 32: Everything Went To Shit

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[Adela was in France visiting the grave her and Elijah made for Esmée made at the house Adela had bought for them. Elijah had told her to stay in France, she came back a month later to watch Hayley as she lived in the bayou]

[Adela was in the bayou she sat on a bench watching children play when a young woman sat next to her]

THEA: I'm Thea Labelle and guessing by your outfit I'm going to guess your the Mikaelson Vampire Princess.

ADELA: [laughs, Adela found her bluntness refreshing] I'm Adela if that's what you mean. How do you know who I am?

THEA: Jackson he's my cousin.

ADELA: Ah [A little girl then ran up to Thea and jumped into her lap]

THEA: Riley this is Adela, Adela this is Riley.

ADELA: Hi there.

RILEY: Your pretty, like a princess.

ADELA: Thank you, you look like a princess to me.

[Riley giggles and runs back to the other kids]

THEA: Wow the Original Heretic is surprisingly good with kids.

ADELA: Well I wasn't born a heartless, murderous, bitch.

[Thea laughs]

ADELA: She your kid.

THEA: My niece, my sister Saylor's kid.

ADELA: She's cute.

THEA: Yeah I'm supposed to be distracting her. [Adela looked confused] She triggered her curse.

ADELA: How old is she?

THEA: Almost three, it wasn't her fault she ran into the street, a car swerved and got into a crash someone died.

ADELA: That's terrible.

THEA: Nothing like how I activated mine.

ADELA: How did you activate yours? If you don't mind me asking.

THEA: It was Riley's dad actually, he was dick, Saylor and him married young. He started drinking more and more. Started hitting Say. She tried to break up with him, he tried to hit her more. I pushed him into a corner he hit his head hard against the wall, killing him. 

ADELA: At least the first time you killed someone it was self defense. I remember the day I first killed someone.  It was in the 1500s.

THEA: Wow your old.

ADELA: Yeah, it was after my uncle ripped my heart out and I turned, he left a bleeding human next to me and I drained every drop of blood from her body.

THEA: Your uncle is real ass.

ADELA: That is not even the worst... [They ended up talking for awhile, Adela found it easy to talk to this girl. The only other time it was this easy to talk to someone was Esmée]

Later that night at the Mikaelson Party

Later that night at the Mikaelson Party

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