Chapter 13: Well That Was A Bust

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[Adela, Klaus and Stefan are walking in the mountains. Stefan is carrying Ray, unconscious, on his shoulders.]

KLAUS: You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?

STEFAN: I'm fine

KLAUS: You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down...

STEFAN: You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great.

ADELA: I agree

KLAUS: So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friends.

ADELA: No shit!

STEFAN: Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer.

KLAUS: Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There.

[They stop. They found the pack's camp. Stefan and Adela enter their camp. Everyone looks at them. He puts Ray on the ground. A woman rushes over to him.]

Woman: Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on? Who are you?

[Klaus joins Adela and Stefan.]

KLAUS: The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus.

Woman: You're the hybrid.

[Klaus smiles.]

KLAUS: You've heard of me. Fantastic.

[Adela rolls her eyes]

[Adela, Klaus and Stefan are sitting. Everyone is standing still, looking at Klaus and listening.]

KLAUS: It's fascinating, actually...A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid.

[Ray wakes up.]

KLAUS: Excellent timing, Ray.

ADELA: Very dramatic.

RAY: What's happening to me?

KLAUS: Stefan?

[Stefan gets up.]

STEFAN: Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die.

KLAUS: Doesn't take much, just a sip. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?

[Adela looks at a man.]


[Klaus rushes over to him and bites his forearm. Stefan grabs him, throws him on the ground in front of Ray. The woman protests but Klaus strangles her.]

STEFAN: If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop.

[Klaus looks at the girl.]

KLAUS: It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die.

Woman: I'd rather die than be a vampire.

ADELA: Wrong choice.

[He gives her his blood. Ray drinks the blood from the man.]

KLAUS: She'll thank me for that later. Heh.

ADELA: Will she?

[He twists her head and kills her.]

KLAUS: Okay, who's next?

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