Chapter 42: Finding Her

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Not A Episode

[It's been four days since Adela left to find her daughter after finding the house she saw in the visions Freya showed her. Adela took a plane to England. an old, victorian mansion which was the english version of the old witch house. Close to where witches were killed for being witches]

 Close to where witches were killed for being witches]

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ADELA: This isn't creepy at all. [walking into the victorian mansion]

[She slowly and causally stepped into mansion. Remembering that the witches could mess with her daylight ring]

ADELA: Why do these house always have to be so creepy? Why can't witch spirits decide to live out there days somewhere nice?

[There was harsh winds flying through the house, which were making hard for her to keep her balance]

ADELA: Will you guys cut it out! I'm a witch, I'm just here for my kid. You witche, I'm a witch. So please [her voice cracked] let me get my kid. 

[The winds stopped]

ADELA: Thank you. 

[She walked down creaky stairs to the basement. There was no light in the room, she pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight. There was nothing in the basement]

ADELA: Oh bloody hell! Come on guys I thought we had an understanding. 

WITCHES: [In eery wind whistling voice] Dahlia! Dahlia! Will come!

ADELA: I got that covered. [Adela pulled out the antimagic bracelet she had as a kid] Aunt Dahlia can't find her magic, if she has no magic. 

[A small coffin appeared in the middle, of the room. Adela's heart dropped she had no idea what to feel. She was never the kid who fantasized about her wedding day or having kids. But this kid, her kid, need her and she need this kid. I mean having a kid semi-worked for Klaus, I mean he doesn't murder people without reason, a lot anymore. Maybe this kid a gift from her human life could be her savior, something to focus on instead of kill, manipulate, main and torture. Dad would love that]

ADELA: A coffin like mother, like son. [She said trying to not to be scared]

[Walked over to the coffin and ran her hand over it, remembering a spell Freya told her to use. Freya had found the child once when she was awake not wanting any other child to be raise the way she was. Adela bit into her own wrist to draw blood and let it drip over the coffin. 'Odemkněte se touto krví, otroctvím matky a dítěte'. She chanted it was a czech spell used by the travelers who took her baby and wiped her memory]

[After performing the spell Adela gently touches the top of the coffin and it burst open, revealing a small baby girl. As the spell persevering the child wore off the baby started to cry]

ADELA: [She put the anti magic bracelet on her wrist] It's ok mummy's here, mummy's here I got you. [She put the baby on her hip and the baby stopped crying and clung to Adela's hip]  


[On the plane, Adela was watching her baby who was in a little baby carrier. She had put her in a baby outfit Hayley had lent her]

ADELA: That reminds me I got you something. [Adela pulled out a toy]

 [Adela pulled out a toy]

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ADELA: It's a kitty. [The baby reach her baby hands out to grab it, while smiling and giggling] You like the kitty kat don't you. 

[After a moment of watching her daughter play, Adela turned to a paper]

Names for Miracle Baby #3:








[At the bottom of the page was Katerina crossed out]

[Frustrated and not knowing what to name her daughter she turned the paper to face her baby]

ADELA: What do you think, princess?

[The baby just sat there]

ADELA: You don't like them?

[The baby then kicked the bottom of the paper were Katerina was crossed out. Adela sighed in disappointment. Then her phone rang causing the baby to start crying.]

ADELA: [picking her up] Sh, Sh it's ok it's just [She looked at the ID it is Thea] Thea mummy's girlfriend yay! [Adela picked up the phone and put it on speaker and sat it on the table so she could hold her baby]

THEA: Hey so I have some news-- [She was interrupted by the baby's crying] Oh my god is that. 

ADELA: My little girl, Baby this is Thea, Thea this is [she paused] name is TBD

THEA: [chuckled] Wow so your on your way back.

ADELA: Yep, what did you want to tell me?

THEA: Right so Hayley and Jackson sort of took Hope and the crescents are taking her out of town.

ADELA: Without Klaus I'm guessing

THEA: Yeah.

ADELA: Well I missed a lot. Hopefully we can get all this Dahlia stuff sorted I should be there soon. I love you.

THEA: Love you too. [She hung up] 

[Adela turned to her baby]

ADELA: Ready to meet the family.

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