Chapter 18: Your Throwing A Ball

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Adela and Esmée are in there kitchen.

ADELA: So apparently my family is throwing a ball.

ESSIE: Wait your throwing a ball, like and actual ball. [Adela nodded] Wow I haven't been to a ball for centuries. 

ADELA: [she walks closer to her] So you want to come with me.

ESSIE: I would love too. [They kissed] 

[Music is playing. Rebekah is having her nails polished by an assistant. Kol is standing before a full-length mirror wearing a black evening suit while a tailor adjusts it. Finn and Elijah are also standing in the room preparing for the ball. Adela walked into the house and sat next to Rebekah]

KOL: Adela? Tell me how handsome I am.

ADELA: Ah uncle Kol, I thought you knew I take vervain I can't be compelled.

[Finn grins. The door opens and Klaus walks in and up to Rebekah.]

KLAUS: You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?!

ADELA: Please tell me she's dead.

REBEKAH: Here we go.

KLAUS: Do you want another dagger in your heart?

KOL: Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?

KLAUS: Oh, go back to staring at yourself.

KOL: And who are you, my father?

KLAUS: No, Kol, but you're in my house.

KOL: Then perhaps we should go outside.

[Klaus and Kol stare at each other. Esther walks in.]

ADELA: Children please calm. 

ESTHER: Enough! Niklaus. Come.

[Klaus goes into another room with his mother.]

[Adela appears leaning against the door way.]

ESTHER: It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now, who are you bringing to the ball this evening?

KLAUS: [sighs] Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going.

ADELA: I heard different apparently Unkie Klausy fancies the Forbes girls. [Klaus grabbed at paint brush and through it at her heart. She caught it] Oh I'm sorry did I hit a nerve. [He was about to throw another one at her, when she smirked, satisfied and sped out of the room]

[Elena is with Caroline.]

ELENA: It's all so weird. The Originals are throwing a ball. Like an actual ball.

CAROLINE: It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is. And why does the Evil Witch want an audience with you?

ELENA: I have no idea. There's only one way to find out.

CAROLINE: I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going.

ELENA: I did, which is all the more reason why I need a drama free bodyguard.

CAROLINE: Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux. And by that I mean Stefan.

ELENA: Uhh, I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now. Whatever Stefan is feeling, he is channeling it all against Klaus. And's just not a good idea.

CAROLINE: Why, cause you two made out? Bonnie spilled the beans.

ELENA: I was gonna tell you. Just, after everything happened with your dad....

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