Chapter 22: New York 1893

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A Bar (1893)

Adela had found out that her dad was the noble Original vampire Elijah Mikaelson, she ended up at a bar in New York. 

She was at a bar drunk off her ass, exhausting every lead to find her father. When she sees a woman sitting next to her wearing a daylight ring, a vampire. 

ADELA: Your a vampire. [She looked at her and she looked at her hands also see a daylight ring]

WOMAN: So are you.

ADELA: What brings you to New York?

WOMAN: I'm trying to find my mother. 

ADELA: It seems we're kindred spirits I'm trying to find my father. I'm Adela.

WOMAN: Nadia.

ADELA: I hope your mother is better than mine. 

NADIA: From what I've heard she's not. 

ADELA: Mine never mentioned dad ever.

NADIA: Mine gave me away.

ADELA: [to the bartender] We are going to need shots, lots of them. 

An Hour Later

The two girls were drinking like there was no tomorrow, they were laughing and talking about each other's parents. 

NADIA: Wait your own mother killed your first boyfriend. 

ADELA: Yeah I was 15, she said it was the motherly thing to do and I never had a boyfriend after that. 

NADIA: Wow, I should get going, I hope you find your father. 

ADELA: I hope you find your mother. 

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