Chapter 34: I Hate Being Blown Up

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[Adela woke up in her bed next to Thea. She pushed some of Thea's hair off her face and Thea started to wake up.]

ADELA: Good morning.

THEA: Morning Dela. 

ADELA: You tired?

THEA: How are you not?

ADELA: Perks of being a vampire.

[Hayley then entered the room]

HAYLEY: So I'm going to a birthing class--- [She notices the two girls and turns around] Oh my god. [The two girls got up and put clothes on]

THEA: Hey Hayley.

HAYLEY: Hey Thea.

ADELA: Hayley.

HAYLEY: I was going to ask if you wanted to join me and Thea in the bayou. I see Thea is already here.

ADELA: I would love to come to the bayou. 

[Adela, Thea, Hayley and Eve are in their shack, where Eve is helping Hayley prepare for giving birth]

EVE: That's it. Inhale and release.

HAYLEY: I guess this means no epidural, huh? You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital? The place with the doctors and the drugs?

EVE: Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying.

ADELA: I'm worrying.

HAYLEY: Okay. Then what, Eve? I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one.

EVE: Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do.

HAYLEY: I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone.EVE: I somehow doubt that.

[Elijah arrives at the doorway]

ELIJAH: Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising.

[Later, Elijah meets with Jackson and Oliver, along with Adela, Thea, Eve and Hayley]

ELIJAH: You're making a grave mistake.

OLIVER: So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?

JACKSON: Look, Elijah. We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse --

THEA: [interrupts him] -- Our gift --

JACKSON: --Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to.

ELIJAH: I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation.

OLIVER: Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way.

ELIJAH: [to Hayley and Adela] You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so.

HAYLEY: We don't want a fight, Elijah. We just want a better life.

ELIJAH: Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that.

[They hear the sound of a motorbike approaching, and cut their argument short to go see who it is]

JACKSON: What the hell?

[Outside, a man on a motorbike rides into the encampment and stops as the group approach him]

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