Chapter 9: Uncle Klaus

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[Damon arrives at the Mystic Grill. Damon goes to the bar sits next to Adela who was drinking bourbon, upset. Damon asks for a drink, Alaric arrives and sits next to them.]

ALARIC: I'll have the same.

ADELA: Oh great more people who have tried to kill me. 

DAMON: I screwed up.

ALARIC: Yeah. Yeah, you did.

DAMON: Yeah.

KLAUS: Gentlemen? Young Lady? Why so glum?

[Klaus is standing next to them at the bar. Alaric, Adela and Damon look at him.]

ADELA: Klaus [She grumbled]

DAMON: Ugh. Klaus, I presume.

KLAUS: In the flesh.

[Adela looks over at the bartender and compels him]

ADELA: Go in the back and get the strongest bottle of alcohol you have and bring it to me.

[Klaus chuckles at Adela and looked at Alaric.]

KLAUS: Thanks for the loaner, mate.

[Damon gets up looking angry.]

DAMON: Any reason you stopped by to say hi?

KLAUS: I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret.

[Damon breaks into a smile at the irony of the comment.]

DAMON: Ha. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?

KLAUS: You are kidding?

[He looks at Adela.]

KLAUS: He is kidding, right?

ADELA: No, not really.

DAMON: I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?

KLAUS: Let me be clear...I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. And know I have Adelina... [He placed his hand tightly on her shoulder]

ADELA: Excuse me [Klaus ignored her and continued]

KLAUS: ...I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up. [He turned to Adela] Come one love were leaving.

ADELA: Know why would I do that, I mean the last time I saw you, you ripped my heart out. 

KLAUS: Because I know that Esmée Michelle Dior is The École supérieure des arts et techniques de la mode, in Paris. It would be a real shame if anything happened to her. 

[Adela stands up and goes chest to chest with Klaus]

ADELA: If you touch her...

KLAUS: I won't, if you come with me, Adelina.

[He leaves and Adela reluctantly leaves with him.]

[Katherine is making coffee. Adela and Klaus arrives.]

ADELA: Hi mum

KATHERINE: Adela, what are you doing here

ADELA: I have no idea.

KATHERINE: Everything okay?

KLAUS: What have you been doing?

KATHERINE: Making coffee. Do you want some?

[He rushes over to her, grabs her by the throat and compels her.]

KLAUS: Tell me what you've been doing.

KATHERINE: Making coffee.

[He releases her and she holds her neck, gasping and turns around.]

KLAUS: Wait. Take off your bracelet.

[She takes it off and gives it to him.]

KLAUS: Now, I want walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight.

KATHERINE: But I'll burn.

KLAUS:  You don't have a choice.

[She stands in the sunlight and the side of her face exposed to the sunlight starts to burn. She keeps screaming. Adela turned away not wanting to watch. Klaus looks at her with a smile. He lets her burn for a moment.]

KLAUS: That's enough.

[She rushes over to the corner of the room, in the shadows.]

KLAUS: Guess I was wrong. All right, then. I need you to do something for me. 

ADELA: Now why am I here. 

KLAUS: Because you apart of the ritual. 

ADELA: No I'm not

KLAUS: You always wanted to know why you exist or why you survived. Well I can tell you. 

ADELA: I'm listening

KLAUS: I could have never broken the curse before. After I found out why. I found out, there's another ingredient: the power of an already existing Hybrid. But it can't just be any hybrid, it has to be a hybrid bond by blood to me and to the doppleganger. I have to channel you, Adelina. You have always wanted to know why existed, how you survived, for this. Well you were created to break the Hybrid Curse. 

ADELA: Really... that's my reason being, I really thought it would be better than that.

[Klaus chucked]

KLAUS: I knew I liked you. You're not your mother and you're not your father though you are the best parts of both of them.

ADELA: Wow did Niklaus Mikaelson just compliment me.

KLAUS: I thought maybe it would make up for killing you all those years before. [Adela got off the couch like she was happy and going to forgive him. Then her expression quickly changed sour.]

ADELA: Not even close.

KLAUS: Well then. [Klaus snaps her neck.]

And everything goes black and she wakes up in a ring of fire. 

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