Chapter 50: Katerina's First Christmas

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[Adela wakes up up with a smile on her face as she goes to Katerina and picks her up]

ADELA: Merry Christmas kitten. 

[Adela walks downstairs with Katerina in her arms to the kitchen, while she is talking to Katerina]

ADELA: Ah the house it empty everyone is off doing something murderous I'm guessing. The good thing about this is that we kitten have the house all to ourselves. 

[She opens the fridge and frowns]

ADELA: Thought the bad thing is I don't know how to cook. So let's go to the lovely little beignet shop, shall we Katerina. 

[Katerina smiled as she snuggled her head into Adela's shoulder]


[Later, Adela and Katerina were in the kitchen, when Freya and Jackson come into the Compound him and Freya both hurt. Adela strapped Katerina in to a little chair and left the baby cam by her. Freya is weakly laying back on the couch, her broken arm bound up in a makeshift sling with Jackson's button-down shirt while]

ADELA: What the hell happened to you two?

JACKSON: She was attacked. 

[Adela sees how badly injured Freya is and walks over to the couch to sit next to her, Adela wasted no time biting into her wrist and giving it to Freya. Hayley has just rushed into the compound to find Jackson, Adela and Freya in the courtyard.  Jackson paces anxiously. Hayley immediately walks over to them to find out what's going on]

HAYLEY: Hey, I got your text. What happened?JACKSON: She got jumped. Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies.HAYLEY: [sighs] The Strix?JACKSON: [nods] Yeah. HAYLEY: You okay?

[Freya nods, and Hayley, looking impressed, smiles at Jackson]

HAYLEY: Kind of hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?

[Jackson makes a face, but before he can respond, Freya suddenly looks panicked as she starts to become aware of what has happened to her]

FREYA: They took it. The Serratura.

[Freya groans in pain and frustration as she pushes herself into a seated position]

FREYA: I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but my family.

[Adela, realizing how bad their current situation, groans in annoyance]

ADELA: Great. Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?

[Suddenly, Elijah walks into the courtyard wearing a very somber expression]

ELIJAH: I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem.

[Elijah looks over to the entrance to the courtyard just as Rebekah walks into the room, looking pale and tired, though she smiles at her friends and family at the sight of them]

REBEKAH: Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen.


[Freya and Rebekah are sitting side-by-side on the couch in the compound as Freya examines the skull-shaped weal on her wrist, which has only grown larger and more painful looking since the last time it was seen. Elijah is pacing around beside them while Jackson and Hayley watch them with worry. Adela walks down the stairs after putting Katerina down for a nap. Rebekah sighs in frustration before addressing Freya]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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