Chapter 28: "Oh Brianna!"

Start from the beginning

“After what you've just experienced and are still going through, grandson, no one expects you to feel the same way about life as you did before the accident. I would be more worried about you if you did.” I hear her say.

“Somebody could at least let me know if she's alive or not so that I could either grieve for my woman or pray for her fast recovery. It has been a few hours since I've been fully off of these strong medications they had me on and I still haven't heard a thing about Brianna's condition,” I replied, then tried to get out of the bed.

“Zander, your left leg is broken, which means you can't get out of bed by yourself yet,” Alesana yells at me. He places his cellphone on the stand by the bed and forces me to get back into bed.

“I can't continue to lay in this boring, pasty ass white, small hospital room staring at these four walls day in and day out without hearing any news about my girlfriend's condition.” I snapped at him. 

“If you lay back down and relax, I'll go find out how Brianna is doing, Zander.” 

“You promise that you'll go find out What's going on with her, Alesana?” 

“Yes, I promise, little brother.” He replies. 

“Will you tell me the truth about her condition, whether it be good or bad?” I then asked him.

“Do I look like I would hide anything from you, Zander?”

“No, but…” 

“If I was in the same situation as you, I would expect you to do the same thing for me when It came down to Zoey and my son. I want you to lay here in this bed while I go find out what is going on with Brianna.” Alesana tells me before leaving the room.

“Don't you dare try to get out of that bed, Zander Wong!” I heard Grams order when I was about to do just that. I had forgotten that she was still on the phone. “You have to trust that your brother will do everything in his power to find out all he can about your girlfriend's condition.” 

“I do trust him, Grams. I was just going to stretch the muscles in my legs a little.” I lied.

“I'm not one of your friends that you're talking to here. Did you forget that I know you
better than you know yourself?” 

“No, ma'am,” I replied, then leaned back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

“Your mom, sister, and I will be out there to visit with you in a little while. If I found out that you're giving your brother and the doctors a hard time, you'll have to answer to me and I promise you, you won't like the consequences.” Grams say to me before ending the call.

I lay there staring at the ceiling for so long and deep in thought that my eyes were beginning to get heavy with sleep until I saw Alesana walk back into the room. My heart dropped when I noticed the grim facial expressions that were being openly displayed on his face.

“How is she?” I blurted out when he didn't seem like he was going to say a word.

“She's alive, but she's in a coma. She has a few broken ribs, swelling in the brain and she… she…” 

“She's what Alesana?” I nervously asked.

“She was a few weeks pregnant. The baby didn't make it, Zander.” The minute I heard my brother tell me that Brianna was pregnant with my child, and it didn't make it, my lungs felt like they closed up on me. Tears poured from my eyes and the room began to spin out of control.

“I need to get out of this bed and go see Brianna.” I cried out as I struggled to swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

“No, you need to stay here and rest.” I hear a familiar voice say. I looked towards the door and there stood Brianna Grandpa, Mr. Micheal Taylor.

“Is she really alive?” I mumbled in between whimpering.

“You know our Brianna is a fighter, Zander. What she needs for you to do is work on getting well too.” Grandpa tells me after coming to stand next to me. “Can you do that for me, son?”

“Yes sir.” I tearfully replied. I would do anything if it would help me to be able to lay my eyes on Brianna sooner.

“There's something I need to ask you about the day of the accident, Zander?”

“What you want to know, sir?” I asked while feeling a bit confused as to why he was asking about the day of the accident.

“Do you remember seeing anyone suspiciously hanging around the car you and my granddaughter were riding in?” Grandpa asked, while at the same time Alesana was trying to pull him off to the side.

“Alesana what's going on?” I asked in a worried voice.

“Your friends told the police that you told them that the brakes on the car weren't working properly right before you collided with another vehicle, which resulted in two other young people losing their lives.” Brianna, Grandpa, replied before Alesana could answer my question.

“Yeah, that's what I told winwin. What does that have to do with the accident?”

“Zander, you and Brianna weren't in a simple accident. Someone damaged the brakes on Luna's car intentionally,” Alesana says to me. 

“So you're telling me that someone killed my child and has the woman I love laying up fighting her life because of a crazy asshole.” I roared while at the same time swinging my right leg over the side of the bed.

“Oh no, you don't.” Alesana blurted out then placed my leg back on the bed.

“Bro, if you don't move out of my way, you'll be taking the ass whooping that I'm holding in reserve for the bastard who did this to Brianna." 

“You're in no shape to fight anyone at the moment.” He states while pressing my left arm down onto the bed.

“Alesana, please turn me loose. I can't just lay here and do nothing.” 

“Zander, what do you think you'll be able to do in the shape that you're in even if you knew who did this to you and Brianna. Nothing but get hurt more or worse get yourself killed. The best thing you can do for you and Brianna is focus on getting better."

“Son, you focus on getting well, let grandpa worry about getting the ass wipes that were brave enough to cause harm to my family.” Brianna, grandpa says to me.

“I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do that,” I replied while struggling to loosen my arm from the tight grip Alesana had on my good arm. The machines attached to me began to make a loud buzzing noise at the same time my head began to throb. A few seconds later, several nurses raced into the room. Alesana and Brianna's grandpa held me down while they pumped a clear liquid through the Iv tube in my arm.

“I'll never forgive you for this…” I was saying When I felt my eyes grow heavy.

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