𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

Magsimula sa umpisa

"I love you too... please don't forget me" she choked on blood a second time.

"Ha-ha-hana, you can't leave us. We need you. You're my only real friend, please don't leave me" y/n cried. Her hands were tied so she couldn't touch her friend one last time. It hurt her.

"Y/n, take care of your brother and my brother. You only one can protect them. Be strong and forgive them" it was before Hana's last words.

"No, please, no"

"Yoongi, Taehyung, forgive them all and forget the past... this is my last wish" Hana took a deep breath and suddenly began to cough very hard with blood. Yoongi was still trying to help her in some way, but it was her last breath. Hana choked to death on her blood.

"There will be enough scenes. Let's kill them all now!" uncle said to his guards and Yeonjun.

And Yeonjun was just standing next to the girl he had recently shot. It was his first time. He killed an innocent girl. He killed a person. And why? Only to protect his family. Is it a good thing to protect your family by killing another person?

"What the hell is going on her?" a new voice was heard entering the house.

"We heard a shot" another voice.

It was Jungkook and Jimin.

They came to this house. Won't they regret it coming here?

"Oh my god...H-hana!" Jungkook saw Hana lying on Yoongi's knees in the blood.

"Which one of you did that?" Jimin pulled out a gun. At that time Hana was no longer among them. She left.

"You'll go to hell!" Taehyung suddenly turned at Yoongi's uncle and pointed his weapon at him. He was ready to shoot him.

"Why you stand as a doll? Shoot them all!" uncle yelled at Yeonjun and then at others.

"I won't kill anything anymore" Yeonjun said and started walking towards the exit door, but was stopped by the voice of another guy.

"Do you think I will let you go so easily? Do you think you will live after you killed my girlfriend? You are not worth living!" Yoongi took the gun in his hands, stood up and within ten seconds he shot Yeonjun.

Yoongi shot Yeonjun in the chest. Then Yeonjun fell on his knees and blood appeared on his shirt.

"What the hell you all doing?! How can you all so easily kill a person? You all are insane!" y/n shouted while she was still kneeling next to her dead friend.

"Y/n" Jungkook saw y/n crying at Hana's corpse. It was the worst image he could see.

"Don't make dramas! Don't worry, you will die soon too" uncle stood up from the couch and walked a few steps closer to all the people who were in his house.

"Yoongi hyung, you said you wouldn't need our help, but look, Hana lies dead on the floor. So we are here to help you" Jimin said and came closer to his older friend. Jungkook followed him.

They all (Taehyung, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin) stood on one side, but y/n didn't. She was on the other side, alone.

"Sir, I hope you keep your promise and let my parents to live in peace and happiness" Yeonjun coughs with blood and looks straight at the older man.

"Do you really think I will do it? Yeonjun, you are as stupid as Seokjin is. Your both families will die. I don't keep my promises" uncle suddenly pulled the gun out of his jacket and shot Yeonjun straight into his heart, so that he would finally shut up forever.

"That's what you really are" Yoongi laughed with irony.

At that moment y/n noticed a gun next to Hana's body. So she figured out that she needed to untie her hands as soon as possible and pick up that gun.

Maybe that's how she'll be able to protect herself and others.

"Did you expect something different?" uncle asked Yoongi and smirked.

"From someone like you is no longer what to expect. You have no conscience at all after killing a few people" Taehyung shouted at him.

"Just not this...just not these words from the killer's mouth" uncle laughed.

"You killed my sister, so I will kill you with my own hands" Taehyung still keeps a gun pointed at him.

"No, Taehyung, I'll do this" y/n stands up as soon as she untied her hands. And she has a weapon in her right hand.

"This bitch? Hah... you all are so funny. You've never killed a person, so how dare you're to do that now?" uncle replied.

"Don't call her like that!" Jungkook shouted at Yoongi's uncle.

"Y/n, you will not do that" Taehyung said, when looked at her.

"Y/n, don't do this because you will regret it later" Jimin looked at her and tried to persuade her not to do so.

"I'm so done with you all. You don't know how I feel now. Maybe I wouldn't have to survive all of this now if I had died with my parents. This man who is my and my brother's uncle has just killed my friend and my stepbrother. What else do you want to kill? You want to kill us all, but you know what? I'm here so you will not do that. I will kill you! I can do this! I'm brave enough. A bastard like you must die" and here is the fourth shot today. Y/n shot straight into her uncle. It would be like a good ending for everyone, but not. Y/n shot not that man. Before the bullet touched uncle, another guy covered uncles body with his.

That guy tried to save y/n from the sin she could have committed.

He sacrificed himself for her.
To be continued...

His heart filter | 𝐊.𝐓𝐇Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon